Chapter 365 Wulin Scourge [24]

Mo Zihan smiled foolishly, this Fu Hongxiao is really too small-minded. "Brother Luo's injury hasn't healed yet, so he's not suitable for long kneeling, let's go up the mountain and talk about it!"

"Now he is no longer a disciple of the sect, and the old man has not punished him, so there is no need for him to kneel on the ground all the time."

"Master..." Luo Qingyun burst into tears, and said to Fu Hongxiao almost pleadingly: "Master, this apprentice really didn't lie to you! This apprentice is an orphan picked up by you. If there is no master, how can there be an apprentice today?

I beg the master to punish the disciple, even if the master wants the disciple to die, don't drive the disciple out of the master! "

As he said that, Luo Qingyun began to kowtow to Fu Hongxiao violently, every time he kowtowed very hard, and the place where he kowtowed happened to be a hard rock, and his forehead turned blood red after just two or three kowtows.

"Master Fu, although I haven't been with Brother Luo for long, I deeply feel that Brother Luo is a good person who knows how to repay you. Since he said so, he must not have lied to you.

Although he was not born by you, you raised him. You are like his father. How can there be a father who does not want children? ! "

Mo Zihan's words moved Fu Hongxiao a little, but the second senior brother intervened just in time.

"Brother Han, it is an indisputable fact that Luo Qingyun caused the death of the master of my Qingshan faction. How master handles it is a matter of my Qingshan faction. Brother Han should not interfere."

Looking at the second senior brother, Mo Zihan sneered and said, "Brother, I don't even know your last name, so you call yourself a brother, isn't it too casual? I, Han, am not someone who can make friends with people casually." People. Since we don’t know each other, brother, please call me Boss Han.”

Mo Zihan's words made the second senior brother's face turn red and turn pale, but he couldn't find the words to match him, so he had to give up resentfully.

"Brother Han, the old man has made up his mind on this matter. Brother Han came from a long way, so hurry up and go up the mountain with the old man."

Fu Hongxiao ordered people to transport Fu Lingshan's coffin to the back hall, and all the other dead disciples were buried in the back mountain.After that, Mo Zihan was asked to go up the mountain with him.

Glancing at Luo Qingyun, Mo Zihan asked Leng Feng to send someone to guard Luo Qingyun secretly, and then followed him up the mountain.

After eating dinner at the Qingshan School and accompanying Fu Hongxiao to pay homage to his son, Mo Zihan was bored.

Three major pains in life: the loss of a father in adolescence, the loss of a husband in middle age, and the loss of a child in old age.And this Fu Lingshan was Fu Hongxiao's only son, so it was very polite for him to have a meal with her.

So after following Fu Hongxiao to the back hall to pay homage to Fu Lingshan, Mo Zihan tactfully withdrew and wandered around the Qingshan sect by himself.Where she went, she didn't know.

Suddenly, a black figure swayed not far ahead, and disappeared around the corner.

Mo Zihan, who likes gossip the most, can't give up any clues at such a critical moment.I saw her flashing away, where was she standing where she was originally standing?

She quietly followed the man in dark clothes ahead of her, which she knew all too well.Because all the disciples of the Qingshan School wore clothes of this style and color.

Following this disciple through the mountains, he finally came to a hidden forest.

There is not even a lighting torch here, so people can only look at people by the moonlight.

"How is everything done?"

"Report to Zuo Envoy, everything is done."

There was no need to look, Mo Zihan, who was following behind, recognized the voices of the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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