Chapter 368 Wulin Scourge [27]

"Okay, stop talking, the master already knows!" Fu Hongxiao couldn't hear Luo Qingyun's words, and quickly helped him up, ready to use his true energy to force out the poison in his body.

"Qingyun, I heard from the master that although the poison in your body is powerful, it has not penetrated into the heart veins for some reason. The master is now trying to find a way to help you force out the poison, but you have to work hard to hear it?"

"Master... no... no need..."

"Silly boy! You can still be saved! Cheer me up!"

"Master... Master... Really don't need..." Luo Qingyun really wanted to tell Fu Hongxiao that he had already taken the antidote and there was no need to waste his internal energy.But before he finished speaking, Fu Hongxiao stopped him again.

"Say one more word, and you will never want to step into my Qingshan faction again in this life!" Enraged by Luo Qingyun's meager will to survive, Fu Hongxiao yelled without hesitation.

After being yelled at by Fu Hongxiao, Luo Qingyun didn't dare to speak anymore.

Just about to force his apprentice to poison him, but was stopped by Mo Zihan.

"and many more."

"Brother Han, what are you doing?" Fu Hongxiao looked at Mo Zihan who stopped him from saving his apprentice in surprise.

Ignoring Fu Hongxiao, Mo Zihan said directly to Luo Qingyun: "Fool, what if you are forced out of your master or you are expelled from the sect?"

"Master...Master, he won't do it."

"How do you know he won't? If you don't take the opportunity to make him change his mind, he will drive you out of the teacher's door after you get better, and you will have to go to my brothel to be a male prostitute!"

Mo Zihan's words made black lines flutter above the heads of the people present.

Realizing what Mo Zihan meant, Luo Qingyun finally got the hang of it.Turning around, he looked at Fu Hongxiao pitifully, and begged, "Master, disciple... disciple would rather die at the foot of the Qingshan School than... be a male prostitute..."

"Bastard! Who told you to become a male prostitute?" Fu Hongxiao was furious. "You brat, how dare you threaten your life as a teacher? Is it important to return to the sect or your life?"

"When... Of course it is important to return to the sect." Luo Qingyun refused to give up. "Master, please...please don't drive me out of the master's door."

"Well, master promises you. Come on, sit up straight, luck!"

"Master, are you serious?" Luo Qingyun's lips curled into an uncontrollable smile.

"When did Master lie to you?"


"Stinky boy, why are you talking so much bullshit?"

"Han Mo has given me the antidote... I... I will be fine in a while."

"Stupid boy! You are poisoned by Hedinghong, there is no antidote in this world!"

"Han Mo has...Han Mo really does!"

Luo Qingyun's words made Fu Hongxiao finally come back to his senses.

Looking at Mo Zihan and Zhai Xinpeng who were looking at him for a long time, there was indeed no worry on their expressions.

Especially Zhai Xinpeng, the whole person was completely excited.Fu Hongxiao suddenly felt like stepping into a trap.

"Is there really an antidote?" Looking at Mo Zihan, Fu Hongxiao asked in disbelief.

Mo Zihan raised his eyebrows noncommittal.

"Luo Qingyun! How dare you cooperate with outsiders to deceive your master?" Fu Hongxiao was furious.

"Master...disciple...disciple can't do anything!" Luo Qingyun still had a bitter face, curled up on the ground and explained pitifully.

"Brother, let's go, I'll help you back to your room." Zhai Xinpeng struck while the iron was hot, and bent forward to help Luo Qingyun up.

(End of this chapter)

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