After the waste material goes against the sky

Chapter 380 The Black Hand [10]

Chapter 380 The Black Hand [10]

Lin Zhonghe squinted slightly as he watched the battle, which was originally without any suspense, gradually leaning towards the side he thought had no chance of winning.

The man in white looked to be about 20 years old, and his height was about the height of an average person, even a little shorter.Compared with these killers and Fengtianmen disciples, he looks short and thin.

But it happened that this short and thin kid with no apparent inner strength was able to succeed time and again in this place where masters gathered.

Killing one of his disciples, Lin Zhonghe would think that his disciples were inferior to others.Kill a lord's killer and he'll consider it a fluke.

But when the disciples who he thought were not bad died one after another, when he thought that with the powerful weapon in his hand, the killers who could not be defeated died one after another.Lin Zhonghe finally lost his composure.

Originally thought that this young boy had almost no merits except that he would disappear in an instant.Because he doesn't even know the most basic inner skills.

But he underestimated the young man.

After watching for so long, he finally understood his ways - fast, accurate and ruthless!

His speed, that is, there is no need to recruit at all, let alone the slightest fancy, and he directly takes people's lives in the fastest and most concise way.The killing method used is even more direct and simpler than that of the master's killer.

He has no internal strength, so it can be said that he should be at a disadvantage compared with such a group of killers and martial arts professionals, but his speed has become an advantage to make up for this deficiency.

And it was clear that every time he felt that his subordinates could succeed, he avoided the fatal blow with the fastest speed and his incredible figure.

I have to say that this man in white is really a very good killer.Every move he makes is not only clean and neat, but also seems to have been accurately calculated.

However, in the field of life and death, there is no time for people to calculate like this, because at the next moment when you are distracted and calculating, you may be killed by a fast sword.

So he can only understand that although this man looks inconspicuous, he has definitely gone through countless battles of life and death.Otherwise, it is impossible to make a series of the most accurate judgments in an instant.

His precision is also reflected in the killing.

The wounds of the people he killed were all three places between the eyebrows, the neck artery and the heart.From inserting the dagger into the body to pulling it out, the strength is accurate enough to make these people deadly enough to penetrate without any extra effort.

And his ruthlessness was ruthlessness towards himself.

Ask yourself, if it were him, he would never stretch his neck to take a knife in order to kill an opponent, when he could defend without getting injured.

But this person is different.In order to kill his opponent, he sent his body to someone else's move that he could clearly avoid.

The result of this is that although the opponent is dead, he is also injured.

As more and more people lay on the ground, so did his injuries.Although they were minor injuries that were not to be feared, most of the entire white brocade robe also turned red.

From this junior Xiaosheng, he found the gap between Fengtianmen disciples.

After seeing almost everything, Lin Zhonghe finally made a move.

I saw a black robe soaring into the sky, as if a black sky instantly swept away all the light.

This black sky curtain is made of powerful internal force, the purpose is to sweep away the target you like.

(End of this chapter)

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