After the waste material goes against the sky

Chapter 384 The Black Hand [14]

Chapter 384 The Black Hand [14]

The killer who was standing between them suddenly turned around, poured all his internal energy into his body, and struck the weapon towards him at an extremely fast speed.

His bullets had already been fired at the man in white. Due to restrictions, his pistol was not burst-fired and had to be manually reloaded.

In such a short period of time, it was impossible for him to fire a second bullet.

Seeing that the weapon he invented was about to hit him, he knew how powerful it was.

It was impossible to avoid it, the man in the mask had no choice but to take the move abruptly with all his true energy.

"My lord!" Lin Zhonghe was shocked again.Tonight, it was the second time that he had put his master in danger.

But this time the situation was too weird, he didn't expect it at all, otherwise he could have killed the killer with that palm duel.

It's just that his palm had already been sent towards Mo Zihan, and he could only watch helplessly as the killer turned his spear to attack the Lord.

And Mo Zihan, who had already exhausted his physical strength, didn't have the strength to fly and kill at all.At the same time that Lin Zhonghe's palm hit her head, her body had already collapsed due to extreme overdraft.

On the left is Lin Zhonghe's palm, and on the right is a gun fired by a masked man.She can't escape a dead word no matter what.

The bullet that should have passed through her heart only hit her shoulder blade due to her limp body.Due to the slow speed of the bullet, it didn't even have the strength to penetrate the body.

There was a pain in the shoulder blade, Mo Zihan smiled, because she saw the killer of the masked man hit his body with iron claws.

She heard the sound of "咵", presumably this man is wearing something similar to soft metal, but even if this can't hurt him, the internal force attached to it when the flying claw is thrown can also shock him.

Waiting for Lin Zhonghe's palm to wipe out her consciousness.But after waiting for a long time, there was only a powerful shock wave, which sent her completely uncontrollable body flying out.

When she died last time, she was also blown away by the shock wave, but she lost consciousness after being blown away.

But after being blown away this time, she was still conscious, so she closed her eyes and waited for death.

But what was waiting was not death, but an unexpected warm embrace.

She was held tightly in his arms. In such a place full of killings, this embrace made people feel that even if he died the next moment, at this moment, he was the happiest person in the world.

This is a warm embrace that she is familiar with. How long has it been since she leaned in his arms like this?

Counting from the day of separation, today has been a full two years, two months and seven days.

She really wanted to raise her head and look at the person holding her, even just a glance.

It's a pity that she lost too much blood, and with the addition of hypnosis, her physical strength was extremely exhausted.After knowing that she was safe, after handing herself over to the person in the world who made her feel safest and most at ease, she felt very tired.

She had no choice but to obey her body's orders and closed her eyes beautifully.I believe that after a few days, when she opens her eyes, she will definitely see the person she wants to see...
The spring breeze blows, and the willows are green and rippling in the spring breeze by the lake.

(End of this chapter)

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