After the waste material goes against the sky

Chapter 386 The Black Hand [16]

Chapter 386 The Black Hand [16]

What followed was an overwhelming, deep and punishing kiss.

His lips and the tip of his tongue attacked her territory with strong anger, and she didn't dare to probe his sharp edge directly, so she had to dodge left and right.

The more she dodged, the more violently he attacked.

It wasn't until she boldly greeted her with some anger that the opponent's attack gradually became smaller.

Later, there was a little tenderness in the attack. Slowly, the attack gradually disappeared, and the tenderness and comfort became more and more intense, until she was completely lost in this deep kiss.

The kiss seemed to have lasted for as long as a century.

After the other party reluctantly ended the kiss, Mo Zihan found that the two years of lovesickness, two years of friendship, and the half-familiar and half-unfamiliar feelings when they met suddenly were all smoothed away by this kiss.It's as if they were never separated.

Looking at the woman who was lazily squinting, the excitement and joy in Tuoli's heart were beyond words, but his anger was still hard to dissipate.

This hateful, cruel woman disappeared so completely!So heartless!And it's been two years since it disappeared.

Two years!How many two years are there in a person's life? !

In these two years, how many babies can they recreate?
When he was seriously injured due to internal force backlash, he suddenly received a letter from her, one can imagine how excited he was at that time.But when he opened the letter, he saw only six words in it: Tuoli, take care, wait for me.

He thought that she made him wait just to wait for her to recover from her injury.This injury is not only a trauma, but also a trauma to the soul.

It was he who was sorry for her, because of him, not only did she get hurt and became a target of public criticism, but she also lost her child.So he deserved the pain of waiting.

So he endured it for the first three months, although in those three months he was tortured almost crazy by lovesickness.

But three months later, they still haven't waited for her return.Especially as time went by, he was afraid that her letter was written to appease him who was seriously injured at that time, or that she deliberately wrote it to deceive him to prevent him from finding her.

So he's messed up.Living in panic and loss all day long, there is no way to handle state affairs properly, so Ao Deng was appointed as the regent and asked him to help him, an irresponsible emperor, handle government affairs, so that he would have time to come out to find her in person .

In the past two years, he has traveled all the places he can go, and he has searched all the places he can find.She disappeared so completely that he almost despaired.

Fortunately, this time because of the hero meeting, he decided to visit Fengtianmen at night.But when he just arrived at Fengtianmen, he saw a scene that almost caused his heart to stop suddenly.

This woman was falling limply covered in blood, an inexplicable super-fast hidden weapon shot into her body at a speed that he could not see with naked eyes, and Lin Zhonghe from Fengtianmen's full palm was also slashing at her...

For some reason, after not seeing her for two years, she has grown a lot taller, and she is wearing men's clothes again, and her face has changed, but he was sure at a glance that this person was her.

The moment he saved her, he was really grateful to God.If he arrives one second late, the rest of their lives will be separated forever.

In the past two years, he has lived in the expectation of trying to find her.He didn't know if he would still have the courage to continue living if she really died and died in front of him.

This damned dead woman,

(End of this chapter)

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