After the waste material goes against the sky

Chapter 511 I am passionate [22]

Chapter 511 I am passionate [22]

When the soldering iron was on his inflamed and festering wound, he made a heavy nasal sound.

Ximen fell into the water, who thought his tears had already been shed, but when he saw this horrible scene, he couldn't help but burst into tears.

Ximen Yunhai is too scary, so hateful, he is simply a demon from hell!

On the day she was arrested, Ximen Yunhai used such inhuman torture on them every two days.

This perverted Ximen Yunhai tied her opposite them, let her watch them being tortured, and even told her that he was a gentleman and never beat women.

And she really couldn't stand it anymore, when she closed her eyes, Ximen Yunhai would order someone to untie the sealing cloth of one of them, and then impose a harsher punishment on that person, so that she could open her eyes and watch.

As timid as her, a person who dared not even kill a chicken in the past, now has to watch her brother, ministers loyal to her brother, and companions who were arrested in order to save herself suffer. This is really better than killing her. It made her feel even more frightened.

Moreover, Ximen Yunhai's way of interrogating people is different from ordinary people. He always tortures them first, then removes the cloth strip from her mouth, and then asks him what he wants to know.If she didn't answer, it doesn't matter, the torture will continue.He didn't take the initiative to stop until the twelve people on the opposite side couldn't take it anymore and might lose their lives.

Many times, she couldn't help but want to answer Ximen Yunhai's question, but the twelve people on the opposite side would rather die than let her speak.

So she could only watch them being tortured like this again and again and was powerless to save them.

Just now, they had been fed pepper water, sat on the tiger stool, and now they were branded on the most painful part of the wound with a branding iron. Ximen fell into the water and couldn't stand it, and almost collapsed and screamed.

But her scream was only a little nasal hum, which basically had no effect on Ximen Yunhai.

Ximen Luoyan and Ling Feng fainted because they couldn't bear it, and Aoyun and the others were still somewhat sane because of their good background.

Seeing that the two men had fainted, the executioner brought two buckets of cold well water and poured them mercilessly on their bodies.

After the cold water stained the wound on his body, it slid down, and there was blood all over the ground.The two people who had fainted woke up trembling.

Seeing that everyone was sober, the executioner prepared to execute another punishment.

At this time, someone came in and whispered a word in Ximen Yunhai's ear, Ximen Yunhai's lips showed a rare, heartfelt smile.

"Stop!" Ximen Yunhai yelled lazily, and the executioners immediately stopped their next move and stood aside respectfully.

Hearing this "stop", Ximen fell into the water and his heart dropped heavily.Judging from their appearance, if they endure even a little bit of torture, they will probably die at any time.

When the executioner untied the cloth from her mouth, Ximen fell into the water and bit his lip to force himself to stop crying.

At this time, no one can give her strength, only herself.

"Sister Huang, how do you feel? After watching such a good show for so many days, it seems that you, like me, enjoy watching them suffer so much!"

Ximen Luoshui looked at Ximen Yunhai angrily, she was too lazy to talk to him about this pervert.Because this kind of person has become abnormal to the extreme, the more angry you are, the sadder you are, and the more you scold him, the more excited he will be.

(End of this chapter)

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