After the waste material goes against the sky

Chapter 519 I am passionate [30]

Chapter 519 I am passionate [30]

"But Miss Yun'er doesn't know. If she knew, she would definitely not hide it from you."

"Yeah. So I ended up breaking her heart. I was lying on her back, she was carrying me, and I could feel her back suddenly stiffen, and I could feel her loss even more."

"Then why didn't you explain to her on the spot?"

"I wanted to explain. But God's will, just as I was about to explain, she stepped on a bomb...that was the last bit of consciousness I had left. I swear, I saw her cry.

Do you know how sad I was when I saw her body blown away with tears in her eyes? "

Having said that, Ximen Yunhai clenched his fists again and closed his eyes tightly.This is a passage that still hurts his heart no matter how many times he recalls it.

At that time, he wanted to reach out to pull her, but the powerful shock wave of the bomb caused them to separate before they died.He didn't even say the last words, let her die with regret, so he felt guilty, he blamed himself.

"Teacher, although my career as a police officer is not long, I still do my duty in my job. I am fighting violence for the common people. I sacrificed my rest time and the time with my girlfriend to handle cases. Why does God want to do this? treat me?"

This has always been what he can't figure out the most.Is it true that good people don't live long, and evil people live for thousands of years?

He is dedicated to the public and the country, but in the end, he can't keep anything. It doesn't matter if he dies, why can't God even keep his cloud?

So, he wants revenge!

He wants to take revenge on God and the whole society!He doesn't want to be a good person, and he doesn't want to be a good emperor.He wants to be a tyrant, a tyrant who only has the final say in the world.

Whoever dares to oppose him, whoever dares to disobey him, will die!Still have to die terribly!

Just like Ximen Luoyan today.In fact, he doesn't hate Ximen Luoyan, but he just likes to watch him being tortured.Seeing how he suffered so much, he can heal some of the grievances in his heart.

Call him a jerk or call him a pervert.Who let God take away his beloved Yun'er?Now that he has been reborn, he will let these innocent people be buried with Yun'er!
"Your Majesty..." Lin Zhonghe didn't know how to comfort Ximen Yunhai, he really could only say that he was just making things out of people!
I believe that Miss Yun'er also really likes the Lord, no matter what kind of intentions she had in contacting the Lord before, but based on his life experience, if she didn't really like him, she would never be able to find him before the Interpol To save him, it is even more impossible to kill all the members of the mafia in a fit of anger, and even personally go to the cell to carry him out.

Suddenly, a thought flashed through Lin Zhonghe's mind, but this thought made him mess up.


Lin Zhonghe's sudden panic broke Ximen Yunhai's thoughts.

"what happened?"

"You... tell me, is it possible that Mo Zihan is Miss Yun'er?"

Lin Zhonghe's words were like a thunderbolt, which made Ximen Yunhai jump up from the dragon bed.

yes!Why has he never thought of this question? !
Seeing Ximen Yunhai's reaction was so great, Lin Zhonghe became more convinced of his suspicion.

"Your majesty, think about it, it's unheard of for this kind of thing to come back from a dead body, but it happened to two people at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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