After the waste material goes against the sky

Chapter 55 The birthday banquet is on [11]

Chapter 55 The birthday banquet is on [11]

You also know that my eldest brother's martial arts are strong, and he grew up under the influence of his eldest brother. For ordinary people, ministers and concubines do not look down on them, but those with strong martial arts must protect the emperor and protect the country.

That's why he wanted this strong man to be the guard of his concubine.There are men everywhere in Beiyue. There is not much more than one, and there is no shortage of this one. "

Facial paralysis?How dare this dead woman say that he has facial paralysis?very good!
"The national teacher of Beiyue, it is rare for the imperial concubine of Emperor Chaoyang to see this strong man. This is also a blessing that his ancestors cultivated. Why don't you give this person to the imperial concubine Chaoyang."

Seeing that Mo Zihan was very fond of the guards behind Pei Chengyue, Luo Yuling also interjected in time.This imperial concubine is Mo Xuehan's younger sister. If she can please her and help her with a few good words from her brother in the future, it will also make her conquer Mo Xuehan with half the effort.

Hearing Luo Yuling's words, the corners of the guard's brows twitched again.

Strong man?Why call him a strong man again?Just how strong is he?The dead woman called him a strong man before, but now this Empress Luo Zhi calls him a strong man...

Thinking that she was someone's sister, he endured!

Seeing that Empress Luo Zhi also stepped in, Pei Chengyue's face became more and more ugly.

"The imperial concubine, it's not that I cherish my talent, but this guard has been with me since I was a child, and I've been used to it for a long time. If you want a guard from North Vietnam, there are 20 people who will accompany me this time, besides him. , the rest of the people, as long as the imperial concubine takes a fancy to them, the old man will definitely give up."

After that, he let all the twenty guards he brought over.In order to show sincerity, he pointed to the person on the right behind him. "Your Highness, what do you think of this one?"

"The guards of Beiyue Kingdom are really tall!" Mo Zihan couldn't help but admire him sincerely.

But after seeing that Pei Chengyue was attracted by the other guards because of her gaze, and her nerves were obviously relaxed, she said again ignorantly, "But I like the person I like at first sight!"

Mo Zihan's words made Pei Chengyue's face look ugly as never before.

If he still can't be sure that this noble concubine obviously knows the person behind him and is just taking the opportunity to find fault with him, then he will have lived for so many years in vain.

Speaking of which, this woman has a pure and pure feeling like an iceberg and snow lotus on the surface, but she is absolutely as black as the harem concubines, or even worse.

Pei Chengyue took a deep look at Mo Zihan again, and made her most accurate judgment on this woman.

"National Teacher of Beiyue, you see, my beloved concubine has taken a fancy to this hero. For the sake of my birthday today, why don't I give this hero by your side to my beloved concubine."

Yuchi Haotian continued to fan the flames.

"Emperor Chaoyang!" Pei Chengyue simply stood up and bowed to Yuchi Haotian as an apology for him.

"Actually... In fact, this guard is the distant nephew of this old man. This kid has suffered from a hard life since he was a child. He is a mute. If he really acts as a guard for the noble concubine, I am afraid that he will not be able to speak, and one day he will anger the goddess. The old man will take him with him. By my side, I also see him being honest, and I am afraid that he will suffer. In fact, he does not have much advanced martial arts."

dumb?How dare this damn old boy call him dumb?very good!
The guard in Tsing Yi is now completely paralyzed. He has heard too many words today that can make him kill, and he is too lazy to cramp any more.

(End of this chapter)

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