After the waste material goes against the sky

Chapter 560 Destroy Luo Zhi [16]

Chapter 560 Destroy Luo Zhi [16]

Although she already knew very well in her heart, I am afraid that this time it is really more ominous than ominous.

Now she can only hope that her grandma can stand up in time and save the country for her Luo family daughter like she did more than 40 years ago.

Luo Yuling, who was driving the mother Gu in her body to control Nangong Jin, suddenly widened her eyes.

There was a sharp pain in the chest, so Luo Yuling had to stop driving the mother Gu, and used all his strength to resist the torture that was enough to make people faint.

It has been a long time since the pain that can kill people is relieved.

Luo Yuling turned her head, and what she saw was a crimson soldering iron, which had already been branded on Hao Yu's chest.

In just one moment, Hao Yu and she were already out of breath from the pain.

The civil and military officials who were imprisoned in the Nanyang Palace all changed their colors when they saw this scene.

They really couldn't figure out why Empress Luo Zhi, their empress of Nanyang, would be treated like this.But the emperor turned a blind eye to the princess' behavior.

Although Luo Yuling had stopped torturing Nangong Jin because of Mo Zihan's torture, just now Nangong Jin almost died of a blood vessel burst in his body because of Luo Yuling's most violent attack.

Although it was stopped in time now, it will take a while for the blood in the whole body to slowly cool down in order to recover.

Seeing that Nangong Jin might have difficulty speaking, Mo Zihan stood up in time.

"The servants of the Nanyang Dynasty, as you can see, the woman on the torture rack is none other than the empress of Luo Zhiguo, Luo Yuling, the empress of Nanyang!
This woman has a heart like a snake and a scorpion. In order to be able to marry the emperor, she sent someone to secretly intercept and kill her on the way to North Vietnam from the palace.

Afterwards, spies were sent to the North Vietnam military camp in an attempt to poison the North Vietnam emperor and stir up hatred between North Vietnam and Nanyang.

In the end, in order to be able to be with the emperor, she tried her best to plant Gu poison on the emperor, the prime minister and his wife when the emperor was seriously injured and unconscious.

In the past two years, she has always threatened the emperor, moving the capital, marrying and various political conditions.Forcing the emperor had to obey her.

For such a woman, what do you think our Nanyang Dynasty should do? "

To be honest, these civil and military officials all felt that their emperor and empress were a married couple who only envied mandarin ducks but not immortals.And with their strong alliance, foreign enemies would not dare to invade.

Who would have thought that their emperor has been coerced by this woman for the past two years.

Since most of the high-ranking civil servants and generals were selected by Mo Zihan for his advice to Yuchi Haotian, they definitely have a lot of admiration for this princess.

Hearing what the princess said, he immediately remembered that the downfall of the Nanyang Dynasty was due to the Luo Zhiguo princess and the Chaoyang Dynasty emperor.Now that Luo Zhiguo is repeating his old tricks, he is really self-inflicted!
"Kill this witch!"

"That's right! Such a witch should be killed immediately!"

"In the past, the destruction of the Nanyang Dynasty was caused by Luo Zhiguo, but now that the old trick is repeated, Luo Zhiguo should be destroyed, and everyone with the surname Luo should be killed!"

The old ministers of Nanyang became more and more angry, and the new ministers and the former ministers of the Chaoyang Dynasty had no choice but to follow suit.

"Wouldn't it be cheaper to kill her?"

Luo Yuling has a mother Gu, if you tell everyone that Nangong Jin will die if you kill Luo Yuling, I'm afraid that someone with a heart will take advantage of this to kill Luo Yuling directly.

(End of this chapter)

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