After the waste material goes against the sky

Chapter 589 Evil Spirit Demon Cult [20]

Chapter 589 Evil Spirit Demon Cult [20]

All that was left were one or two bombed ones, barely hanging on the loose strands of hair.

After the black satin-like hair was baked by the fire, some of them were directly wiped out, revealing a mass of white scalp, some were curled and turned into curls, and some were broken...

In a word, a coquettish woman who is overwhelmed by the city and the country, is so blown up that even her mother may not recognize her real self.

The woman standing in the thick black smoke lowered her head to look at her clothes that had been blackened by the bombing, stretched out her black hands to look at them, and then caressed her proud face tremblingly.

Touching the bloody cheek that was blown up, just touching it, I was frightened by a sharp pain and withdrew my hand, looking in horror at the blood stains left by touching the cheek.

This is the face that she has protected by taking a hundred baby hearts and livers every year and hard training her inner strength. In 40 years, a total of [-] babies' hearts and livers...

This was her most precious thing, but now it was blown to ashes by this inexplicable thing.

Her face, her beauty, was destroyed by one move.


The leader of the evil spirit stood on the spot and yelled frantically.


He touched his face and continued to yell.

Mo Zihan didn't care so much, he pulled the grenade fuse, and threw the remaining two grenades on his body towards the leader of the evil spirit.


Two grenades exploded in front of the evil spirit leader at the same time.

At the same time that the grenade exploded with sparkling flames, a cloud of bluish-white gas also rose at the same moment.

This time, even though it was two bombs, the strong shock wave could not shake the inflated bluish-white gas at all.


After Mo Zihan threw two grenades, he pulled Tuoli and Nangong Jin and ran away.Although with the ability of the leader of the evil spirits, she might be able to chase and kill them even if they fled to the ends of the earth, but they can only run for a while.

But just when Mo Zihan and the others were about to reach the entrance of the cave to open the mechanism, a ball of bluish-white gas carrying unburned flames smashed down towards them.

A group of flames that arrived the fastest hit the mechanism at the entrance of the cave directly, and the mechanism was destroyed with only a "bang".

With a wave of his sleeves, the ball of fire that would have fallen on Mo Zihan's body was instantly fanned aside and hit the mountain wall, splashing countless sparks.

While taking off her sleeves and waving her sleeves, Nangong Jin wrapped her arms around Mo Zihan's waist, and flew in the opposite direction at the fastest speed.

At this time, the mechanism of the cave has been destroyed, and it is impossible to go out. He doesn't know what is inside the peach garden, but at this time, it is the only place for them to escape.

After taking off his sleeves and fanning the fire ball away, he also flew to follow, protecting behind Mo Zihan.

At this time, the Peach Garden turned gray and black again because of the mood of the evil leader.

The three of them galloped all the way, although Nangong Jin took Mo Zihan with him, it still didn't affect his lightness kung fu, he ran all the way almost without touching the ground, after a long time his figure fell, and he rose into the air again when he tapped the black branch with his toes .

And the leader of the evil spirit, who was surrounded by raging fire, finally rushed out from the black smoke.He didn't have time to pay attention to Mo Zihan and the others who were desperately fleeing. Instead, he moved slowly and came to the place beside the white gazebo where there was artificial stream.

With eyes closed, he slowly moved his body closer timidly, and only slowly opened his eyes when he could fully see the reflection in the water.

(End of this chapter)

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