After the waste material goes against the sky

Chapter 592 Evil Spirit Demon Cult [23]

Chapter 592 Evil Spirit Demon Cult [23]

Regardless of the threat from the leader of the evil spirit, Mo Zihan quickly fled forward with the help of Tuoli.

There are still about 300 meters before they can jump off the cliff. Although it is more dead than alive, at least there is a little hope of life.Don't miss a second now.Once the leader of the evil spirit catches up, it will be extremely difficult for them to run even an extra meter.

As if the leader of the evil spirits didn't intend to chase them, Mo Zihan ran 200 meters with Tuoli, but she didn't come after them.

"Do you want to jump off the cliff to escape? Below is the pool of evil spirits that I dare not go down. As long as you get a little bit on it, you will die. If you want to jump, just jump!"

Nangong Jin who was still following Mo Zihan and protecting her in front suddenly stopped running, and Tuoli also stopped slowly.At this time, they were less than 50 meters away from the cliff.

Mo Zihan looked at Tuoli suspiciously. "Evil Spirit Pond", she had never even heard of it.

"It is said that there are many undead in the pool of evil spirits. The water in the pool does not carry any objects, and even the leaves will sink. Moreover, this water is naturally poisonous. As long as you touch it, you will not be able to live again. The pool of evil spirits Around, nothing living could survive."

Tuoli's words made Mo Zihan's heart sink again, but he immediately said to the two of them, "Go, it's better than dying at the hands of the old witch."

Without any hesitation, the two immediately followed Mo Zihan towards the edge of the cliff.

"It's not that easy to jump off a cliff!"

The leader of the evil spirit was completely enraged, and he used a light kung fu that was almost like a god. In just a split second, he blocked Mo Zihan and the other three.

"This seat does not agree, you don't even think about committing suicide."

This woman is really abominable. She destroyed the face she had protected for 40 years.The evil spirit leader narrowed his eyes dangerously, looking at Mo Zihan viciously like a poisonous snake.

Looking at it, he suddenly smiled coquettishly.

"Do you think that after ruining the appearance of this seat, there is no way for this seat to restore it?"

The eyes of the evil spirit leader made Mo Zihan's whole body go numb, watching vigilantly, not knowing what tricks she was going to play again.

"I saw that you were born well. Although your appearance is a little worse than this deity's, you are still a rare beauty. Your appearance is barely usable. When the time comes, I will save your life for later. Let you die after you shave your skin!"

"Don't even think about it!" After hearing the words of the leader of the evil spirit, before Mo Zihan and Tuoli could speak, Nangong Jin stood up angrily, protecting Mo Zihan and the two of them behind her.

"Emperor Beiyue has spent more than half of his internal energy just now to break the formation of this seat. Emperor Nanyang, do you think that you can stop this seat with your own strength?"

This time, they didn't catch them like cats and mice like before. They fought against each other three times, and they suffered from Mo Zihan's three times. This woman has too many tricks, even she can't handle it.She didn't want to play with fire and set herself on fire.

After finishing speaking, the leader of the evil spirit flew towards Nangong Jin, raised his hands, and a palm wind that was so powerful that it made people unable to breathe came instantly.

Even Mo Zihan, who was not too close to Nangong Jin, felt the suffocating palm. If Nangong Jin really took it, even if he didn't die, his internal organs would be damaged and disabled for life.

Mo Zihan flew up, and while sending out silver needles to the leader of the evil spirit, he also threw a smoke bomb at her.

The taste of the bomb, the evil spirit leader has tried it,

(End of this chapter)

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