After the waste material goes against the sky

Chapter 600 Tianshan Sanctuary [4]

Chapter 600 Tianshan Sanctuary [4]

"He has no sense of smell now."

The doctor nodded, as if he had expected this symptom.

Seeing Mo Zihan, hope was instantly lit in his heart.

"Doctor, do you know what kind of poison he has?"

"Princess, come out with the grass people."

"Just say it here!" Tuoli ordered softly.

Seeing the doctor was in trouble, Mo Zihan said, "Let's talk about it here."

After finishing speaking, he walked forward and held Tuoli's hand, trying to give him strength.

Dr. Wang stroked the beard on his chin, frowned and said, "Although the grass people don't know what this snake is called, they have seen people who have been poisoned by it."

"Oh? Then he now..."

"He is dead."

The doctor's words made Mo Zihan's heart fall to the bottom, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

"Han'er, I'm different from them, I won't die."

Tuoli's sonorous and forceful promise made Mo Zihan's heart a little comforted.

Although she has suffered enough blows this day, each blow is still enough to make her brain ischemia for half a day, her heart is tight, dizzy, and dizzy.

"However, Caomin heard that there is a method that seems to be able to detoxify."

The doctor's words made Mo Zihan almost jump up excitedly, and said loudly, "What can I do?"

"The grass people are old, and they have heard a lot. It is said that there is a thing called the Holy Blood Toad in the Tianshan Mountains that can cure all poisons.

It's just that this thing lives at the top of Tianshan Mountain. Up to now, no one has been able to go up to the top of Tianshan Mountain, and even those who went there have never come back. "

"I can definitely come back." Mo Zihan was cheering himself up, and at the same time cheering up Tuoli.

"Princess, whether you decide to go to Tianshan or not, Caomin has nothing to do with it, but Caomin has only heard of this holy blood toad decades ago. As for whether it can cure the poison on the emperor of Beiyue, Caomin really doesn't know."

"It's okay. It's good that you can tell me this and give me a direction to work on. Thank you."

"You are welcome, princess."

"Doctor, after being poisoned by this poison, what kind of poisoning reaction will he have?"

"This poison is extremely insidious. It will not kill you immediately after being poisoned. It will destroy the five senses of the poisoned person successively, namely smell, taste, sight, hearing and touch.

At the same time, the limbs of the poisoned person will first produce a toxin reaction, the blood vessels will swell, and the blood vessels will protrude.Then it continues from the limbs to the whole body until it enters the heart vein.

If the antidote cannot be found in time, the blood vessels in the whole body will expand and burst and die. "

"How long is it from poisoning to death?"

"People without internal strength may only last for a month, and those with internal strength can only last for two months at most. The person I knew before had extremely high martial arts, but he couldn't live for two months."

After Nangong Jin sent Doctor Wang away, there were only Tuoli and Mo Zihan left in the princess mansion.

"Tori, you..."

"I don't want to wait, you take me there!"

As if knowing what Mo Zihan was going to say, Tuoli stopped her from speaking, and demanded without denying it.

Looking at Tuoli, Mo Zihan didn't speak.

Although she has only been in this world for more than three years, she still knows about the Tianshan Sanctuary.

It's like Mount Everest here, the height of this Tianshan Sanctuary is even higher than Mount Everest.In the ancient times when all kinds of climbing equipment were lacking, if you want to climb to the top of the mountain,
(End of this chapter)

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