After the waste material goes against the sky

Chapter 73 Clearing the Alien Party [1]

Chapter 73 Clearing the Alien Party [1]

Only the queen's face turned from red to white, from white to blue, and then from blue to black and red.

"Impossible! How can there be such a corrosive poison in this place? Absolutely impossible!"

Xu Huizhen denied it sharply.Immediately, he looked at Mo Zihan, who was crying, and said ruthlessly: "Okay, Mo Zihan, do you dare to hide in this palace?"

Mo Zihan was taken aback by Xu Huizhen's words, and looked at Yuchi Haotian pitifully. "Your Majesty, Your Majesty's Mingjian, you were closest to your concubine just now. You can see clearly whether the concubine is playing tricks in the tea."

"Empress! You are so courageous! You can't murder the imperial concubine, but you still want to frame the blame! I can see this tea clearly, the imperial concubine has never touched it, and even in order to reverse the situation for you, she deliberately took the tea cup. Broken. Not only did you not know the good and the bad, but you dared to bite back. What should you be blamed for?"

"Emperor Mingjian!" Xu Huizhen also knelt down aggrieved. "Why would the concubine do such a thing? If the imperial concubine drank such a highly corrosive poison, it would have been killed on the spot. How could the concubine get out of the relationship? thing?"

"Then why did I ask you to drink that cup of tea but you didn't let me drink it? Why did I ask you to drink this cup of tea, but you wouldn't drink it even if you died? You were pale and nervous, what were you afraid of?"

"I...I..." Xu Huizhen didn't know how to answer for a while.

It's true that she put poison in the tea, but the poison is not corrosive at all, and in order to get rid of the relationship, the poison she put will only die after a month.Now that the tea that fell to the ground has obviously been poisoned again, Mo Zihan really didn't have time to poison it in such a short period of time. Who the hell wanted to poison Mo Zihan?Or do you want to frame her and frame her?
"Your Majesty, someone must be trying to frame his concubine, your Majesty knows it!"

"Come here! Put the queen into the sky prison and interrogate him immediately."

"Your Majesty, spare your life!" Xu Huizhen could not have imagined that she would capsize on Mo Zihan, and she would be so wronged.

"Your Majesty." Mo Zihan stopped the guards who were about to come forward, pulled Yuchi Haotian aside, and said in a low voice, "Now that Prime Minister Xu has many followers in the imperial court, if you put the empress into the heavenly prison, it will definitely cause turmoil in the court. . This matter is indeed suspicious, it is better to ground the queen first, block the news, and then slowly verify, and then deal with the matter when the truth comes out. "

Looking at Mo Zihan, Yuchi Haotian said with relief, "Han'er is still thoughtful."

The bustling and lively Huayang City fell into silence, with occasional watchmen walking through the streets.

Even in the busiest flower street on weekdays, only one or two drunk people walked out occasionally. As soon as they got out of the brothel, they were put on a carriage and left quietly.

A large black cloud slid past, covering the silver that was shining on the earth completely.

The Huayang City Prefect's Mansion is located on the bustling street, but there are no other buildings nearby, because the Huayang Prefect's mansion does not like too many buildings next to his mansion, and the people who come and go are too complicated.

The second clock just knocked, and the doorman stood outside the door bowing his head and dozing off.

Ten black shadows flashed through the air, one of them flew to the main gate of the Prefect's Mansion, knocked down the two doormen, and dragged them to a hidden place.Afterwards, they followed the other three men in black and jumped to the top of the wall, guarding the four walls in the south, south, north and west respectively.

(End of this chapter)

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