After the waste material goes against the sky

Chapter 80 Clearing the Alien Party [6]

Chapter 80 Clearing the Alien Party [6]

White and slender fingers, with prominent joints, gripped Hongyue's neck and slowly tightened.Hongyue looked at the eunuch holding her neck in horror, the feeling of suffocation became stronger and stronger, and her life was drawn away a little bit.

Just as the eunuch was about to smash the red moon's neck with a dead hand, three silver needles flew out, passing through the misty rain curtain and hitting the eunuch's body directly.

The eunuch's pupils suddenly shrank, and the body that was about to jump into the air temporarily changed direction because the silver needles fired by some hidden weapon were too fast.Can only fly to the side and roll out.

Just as the eunuch flew to avoid the silver needle, a white figure suddenly appeared in front of Xu Huizhen and Hong Ri at a ghostly speed. Before the two could shout, they were slashed to the ground by a knife.

The eunuch flew to avoid the silver needle, and when he saw the queen fell to the ground, he was furious, grabbed his wrist, and attacked the white figure.The inner strength is so deep that even the air in front of the palm can't help tearing and twisting.

The white figure slanted and flew out, narrowly avoiding the deadly air current, reaching out to support a bamboo that had not yet grown leaves, and using force, the bamboo stem made a muffled "woo", and hit the eunuch with strength.

The eunuch raised his lips and sneered, and with a flick of the dust in his hand, the originally thick bamboo stem was divided into countless filaments like noodles.

"Bold and cheap maid, who has no inner strength and dares to hurt people, the miscellaneous family will act for the sky today and accept you, this little cheap maid!"

At the moment of speaking, the eunuch shook his shoulders and hugged his hands forward. The rain that was falling straight down suddenly deviates from the track and moves closer to the white figure.The powerful internal force surrounds all the objects that want to be destroyed, and no one can escape, and the white figure is no exception.

At the moment when the white figure was surrounded, the eunuch could clearly see that the corners of the lips covered with white gauze slowly twitched.

At the moment when the eunuch was surprised, a strong internal force came out from behind the woman, breaking through the restraint of his internal force and coming towards him.

The eunuch waved his palm again, and when the powerful airflow collided with the oncoming airflow, the palms of the two were also facing each other.Just listening to the muffled sound of "touch", the surrounding plants bent to the outside, the strong wind was raging, and even the soil under the feet that had been wet by the rain and clinging to the ground had to turn out bit by bit due to this powerful internal force, rolling down. all around.

Both of them have strong internal strength, and neither can take advantage of the other for a while.

Internal energy continued to pour out, and both of them began to feel powerless.A trace of blood slowly dripped from the eunuch's mouth.

The masked woman took off the veil, and the eunuch was startled, and his blood and anger suddenly rushed.

Rather than taking the opportunity to exert force, the eunuch was slapped and flew out by the strong palm force, and the entire internal organs had been seriously injured.

The woman in white took the opportunity to step forward, and when she saw the eunuch fly upside down, she raised the dagger in her hand and pierced the opponent's heart with precision.

He took out the dagger from the eunuch's body, wiped it clean on his shirt, and looked at the person standing in front of her with a smile.

Wearing black armor, he still used a black jade crown to tie his hair neatly, sword eyebrows, star eyes, and slightly thick lips under the straight bridge of the nose.There was a hint of anger between his brows.Seeing her smile, her anger was even greater, but there was a hint of helplessness.

"She's a little suffocated, but it's not a big problem. But she's fainted now, and the person who fainted is the heaviest. Would you like to help me carry it?"
(End of this chapter)

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