Chapter 99 Unexpected [6]

The half-hour morning morning on weekdays is not over until noon today.

Most of the officials were bored listening to this kind of edict that had nothing to do with them, which would only make people feel dissatisfied, but there was nothing they could do.The imperial court selects officials, and those who are able live in them. What can they say?
But Mo Zihan behind the screen listened with great interest, because Nangong Jin once told her about the origins of these people, what they did in the past, and what specialties they had. In the future, they will play an important role in restoring the Nanyang Dynasty. what effect.

Seeing that the morning court was coming to an end, the officials who stood for a long time were about to breathe a sigh of relief, but they heard Yi Wuchen, the commander of the imperial guards, report to the Hall of Parliament that an envoy from the North Vietnamese state had come to discuss the marriage between the two countries.

Chaoyang Dynasty has always been afraid of North Vietnam.Although there is Mo Xuehan, the North Commander-in-Chief of the town, but there is a large area of ​​Chaoyang Land in the north that is adjacent to the Beiyue Kingdom. If Mo Xuehan sits at this pass, the Beiyue will avoid his edge and attack from another pass.Although Mo Xuehan was intimidated and did not dare to go straight in, a lot of money and food were looted from the border cities every year, making life difficult for the people in the northern border.

Now, the North Vietnamese country actually offered to marry and cultivate the good of the two countries. Yuchi Haotian was naturally overjoyed, and immediately summoned the North Vietnamese envoys into the palace.

At this moment, Mo Zihan, who was sitting behind the screen, suddenly jumped with his right eye.As the saying goes, jump left to get rich and right to disaster...

And when the North Vietnamese envoy explained the purpose of coming and the person appointed by the North Vietnamese to be married, Mo Zihan finally knew why his eyelids kept twitching.

What the hell!

In this era of cold weapons, power really determines everything, and even the superficial hypocrisy does not need to be maintained. The emperor of Beiyue Kingdom heard that Empress Chaoyang was as beautiful as a flower, and was known as the most beautiful woman in the East, so he wanted to make peace with Chaoyang.If Emperor Chaoyang is willing to part with his loved ones, North Vietnam will never send troops to invade the country within 20 years;

Millions!In ancient times, people didn't live long, and there were not many people. What is the concept of training with millions of people?The concept is that from Chaoyang to now, the brave and good fighters trained by Nangong Jin have only 30 troops capable of resisting the North Vietnamese. This disparity is not even a star.

Hearing the messenger's intention, Yuchi Haotian's smile froze instantly, and then his face became darker and darker, until it was almost black.

threaten!Naked-naked threats!Although the North Vietnamese nation used to be a horse nation, marriages were optional, and they never cared whether a woman was married or not. As long as the two were happy, after the woman and her husband divorced, they could reunite again.

But this is only limited to North Vietnam!
Now the emperor of Beiyue is looking for a woman from the Chaoyang Dynasty, and she is also the queen of the Chaoyang Dynasty.This is the same as slapping Wei Chi Haotian in public and making him thank you.

After hearing the messenger's intention, the courtiers also looked angry.Not to mention whether they are close to the Mo family or whether their relationship is good or not, when faced with threats and insults from foreign enemies, everyone is still willing to choose to be unanimous.

But Nangong Jin was not so calm, the sword at his waist was out of its sheath, and there was only a buzzing sound, the sword was already placed on the neck of the NATO envoy, with traces of blood oozing out.

The tense atmosphere caused the temperature in the court hall to drop from boiling point to freezing point in an instant.

No one dared to say a word at this moment.

Beiyue bullied the weak with guns to such an extent, if anyone said the last word to add fuel to the fire, it would definitely become the trigger for Nangong Jin to be executed in public.

(End of this chapter)

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