Chapter 261

In the car, Fu Bo curiously gossiped to Lin Yifan again.But Lin Yifan always responded with a laugh; he had no choice but to stop asking.

Ten minutes later, the car arrived at the place where Lin Yifan was renting; at this time, Lin Yifan got out of the car and went back; Fubo drove away.

Looking at the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon rental building in front of him, Lin Yifan became more cautious. After all, he now has a lot of things about the world of cultivation.

Carefully open the door and go in, just before the elevator door, a figure suddenly appeared in the hall; then an old voice came out: "Young man, where did you go last night?"

Looking at this pale old lady, Lin Yifan's heart was beating non-stop, and he was very afraid that the other party would come and search him.

After calming down, he barely spoke normally: "Going out to the party."

"Lie! I'll give you another chance to tell me the truth." The landlady asked with a serious face.

Although she is at home every day, she is very well-informed; as a native of Guiyuan City, how could she not know about such a big event that happened to Guiyuan Antiy Group yesterday.

Lin Yifan knew that he couldn't hide from this powerful master of comprehension, so he decided to tell the truth: "Go save my boss."

"Have you met any other practitioners?" The landlady continued to ask.

Hearing the three words of cultivator, Lin Yifan's heartbeat, which had just calmed down, started beating violently again; then, without changing his expression, suppressing his uneasy heart, he tried his best to answer: "No."

"It's best if you don't; warn you, don't cause me so much trouble, or you will bear the consequences." After finishing speaking, the landlady turned around and left.

She was afraid that Lin Yifan would attract too many practitioners to the rental building, so that her lurking in the city would be easily exposed, and then she would be killed and she would flee again.

After the landlord's grandmother left, Lin Yifan let out a deep breath; he was really scared to death just now, but luckily the landlord's grandmother didn't search him, otherwise the "Voodoo Cheats", the black gold token, and the mysterious wooden box would have been destroyed. exposed.

After calming down, he quickly opened the elevator and took a ride.


Not long after getting out of the elevator, Han Meiling from the next room ran out and threw his wall against the wall.

"Xiao Sao Nan, where did you go last night?"

"I'll go! Isn't it just that I'm not there for one night? As for why you care so much?" Lin Yifan was a little flattered; however, he knew what Han Meiling was thinking; he just wanted to know what he was doing last night.

So he replied: "Go whoring."

He has different ways of communicating with different people.Han Meiling was free to let go, and he couldn't hold back his words.

"Oh! The little virgin is broken? It's a pity; Miss, I am still thinking about when I will help you get pregnant." Han Meiling pretended to be sorry.

"Don't think about it, if you don't mind, you can help me break the second place now." Lin Yifan turned and slammed Han Meiling against the wall, and then stretched out his mouth.

However, when his mouth was just five centimeters in front of Han Meiling's mouth, he was stopped by Han Meiling: "Hey! Little coquettish man, you are married now, don't mess around!"

"What are you afraid of? I can still take you as my concubine?" After finishing speaking, Lin Yifan stretched out his mouth forcefully.

"I'm sorry, I'm only interested in the main room." After finishing speaking hastily, Han Meiling fled away, no longer teasing Lin Yifan.

Looking at Han Meiling's back in the distance, Lin Yifan snorted coldly and said, "Hmph! Little one, fight with me!"

Han Meiling, who returned to the room, put down her guard and continued to play the game.

After Lin Yifan returned to the room, he immediately entered his bedroom, checked the surroundings, found that there was no camera, and then took out the "Voodoo Cheats", the black gold token, and the exquisite wooden box that had been hidden in his pants. .

First, he hid the black gold token and the exquisite wooden box; then he released the "Voodoo Cheats" to check the information.

When he saw the old lady of the landlord just now, he remembered that he had Chuanchang Pill; Chuanchang Pill is a kind of poison, and as a master voodoo master, he should know how to refine this poison and how to decipher it.

After searching and searching, he finally found the secret recipe for refining the Chuanchang Pill antidote.

Looking at the names of the unfamiliar medicinal materials in the book, his scalp felt a little numb, and he didn't know what the medicinal materials were.

Faced with this kind of thing, he can only look it up online.

After searching one by one, he finally knew the effect of these medicinal materials, so it was not difficult to find them.However, among the medicinal materials listed, there is another medicinal material that he has not found on the major medicinal material websites, and that is Heshanghua.

Heshanghua is the most important medicinal material in the synthesis of Chuanchang Pill antidote, if it is missing, the refining of the antidote cannot be completed; even if the elixir is refined, it will not have any medicinal properties.

"I'll go! How could there be no such flowers?" Lin Yifan felt deeply speechless.

On the largest store website in the country, he couldn't find any news about Heshanghua, so he was really helpless.

Afterwards, he searched for Heshanghua on the search engine, and found a piece of news that ten days later, at an auction held in Guiyuan City, there will be a mysterious and rare medicinal material called Heshanghua Appear.

"Ye Guixiang Auction, I must participate!"

With a decision made, Lin Yifan signed up for the auction on the official website.

However, the requirements for participating in this auction are high enough; you must have a net worth of more than 1000 million, otherwise you will be disqualified from registration.

"It seems to be a high-standard auction, and there will definitely be rare treasures at the auction."

After whispering to himself, Lin Yifan began to fill in the information.

Now that he is worth hundreds of millions, he is not afraid of not being eligible to participate.

After filling in the information, he began to check how the voodoo palm was cultivated.

Voodoo palm is a very poisonous palm technique, and its cultivation method is beyond the reach of ordinary people; because the first step is to suck the poison, use the power of self-cultivation to absorb the poison.

The second step can only be practiced after the palm is full of venom.

"I'm going! This palm technique is too difficult. If you don't grasp it properly, your whole body will be poisoned and die. It's too terrifying." Lin Yifan was a little timid; but at this moment, something flashed through his mind—— The dark blue "snake spirit" absorbed by the black beads in the snake cave.

According to "Voodoo Cheats", "snake essence" itself is a highly poisonous thing, and there are embryo-shaped poisonous snakes in it, which shows that the toxicity has reached saturation, that is, the most toxic state.

Therefore, Lin Yifan should have a strong poisonous aura; that is to say, he has already taken the first step of the voodoo palm.

(End of this chapter)

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