Chapter 550 Take you to see him (3)

"The portrait here... why is it gone?"

"Mister ordered it, Miss Gu, please." Lin Sen didn't explain much, thinking that this matter should not be a topic that can be discussed casually in the Chu family.

After walking through a passage, turn right and arrive at Chu Shihao's study.

The study is very large, with three connected rooms.

When Lin Sen and I went in, Chu Shihao was having a video conference with someone.

Lin Sen and I waited for a while, during which my eyes fell on a few photos in the study.

There is only a large photo of Chu Shihao himself hanging in the study, and the rest are small photos.

Moreover, almost one-third of the photo was a personal photo of Chu Yechen, and the remaining third was a photo of Chu Shihao and Chu Yechen.

This surprised me very much, because the relationship between Chu Yechen and his father was not very good, and, from the point of view of speech, I didn't really see how much Chu Shihao cared for his son Chu Yechen.

After waiting for another 10 minutes or so, Chu Shihao finally ended the call and walked to my side.

"You don't need to ask anything, you will understand everything when you see Xiao Ye."

I didn't quite understand what Chu Shihao meant, but I still nodded.

"Come with me." Chu Shihao walked in front, and Lin Sen and I followed quietly behind.

Chu Yechen was not in this building.

The entire Chu family is actually an ancient castle with some history, so after we left the main building, we walked into another tall tower instead.

There is an elevator in the tower, we stopped directly at the top floor, and then went up two floors before stopping.

Generally speaking, the tower is very dark and sees no light.

Even with all the lights inside, it still feels gloomy.

The only place in the entire tower where we can see sunlight is the window around us, but now this window is also sealed.

Here is a complete, huge black enclosed area.

"He is here. I will ask you one last time, are you mentally prepared? If you are not, I will arrange for someone to hypnotize you to make you forget this memory. After you leave, if you remember anything, you will definitely Don't say it."

I tensed my cheeks, turned my head to look at the iron door, and nodded heavily.

"Lin Sen, open the door."

"Yes." Lin Sen walked to the door and said to me, "Miss Gu, please stay away first, after entering, I will turn on two lights, no matter what happens, please don't turn on the lights. "

"Okay." I don't know why Lin Sen said that, but before opening the door, he turned off all the lights around us, and then handed me a pair of glasses.

After wearing it, I can see things in the dark.

Accompanied by the sound of "cackling", the iron door that seemed to have been sleeping for thousands of years finally opened slowly, and it was equally dark inside and outside.

Lin Sen and Chu Shihao didn't go in, they stood outside the door.

The heart was beating so hard that it seemed to jump out of the chest.

I put my palms on my chest, pursed my lips, and then supported the door frame, and walked into the dark room.

Lin Sen's so-called two lamps were actually just two ground lamps emitting extremely weak light, which could be almost ignored.

If it weren't for special glasses, I wouldn't be able to see anything.

The room is not particularly big, but not small either.

There are no cupboards in this room, and there are no water glasses or the like.

All the sharp points are wrapped in cowhide and soft-soft cloth, there is no glass of any kind, which feels bad.

It made me think that there lived a... person who could easily hurt himself.

(End of this chapter)

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