Chapter 102

"YouthK! YouthK!"

Loli wiped her wet eyes, her forehead was covered with sweat, "Oh, I'm going, it scared me to death."

Ai Ye and a few fans had already held up the banner of "YouthK Chong Duck", cheering non-stop, and several people's faces flushed.

Both teams returned to the dugout to discuss strategies for the next inning.

Guo Xutao on YouthK’s side never stopped laughing.

"Da Lin, can you not be so obvious next time? If it weren't for WV5 and they underestimated the enemy, other teams would be vigilant and it would have the opposite effect."

"Is there?" Lin Qingchen frowned, and sat down on the sofa with a depressed face.

He thought he acted very naturally.

"Your big mistake itself is a small probability event. It is impossible for you to have an event. Do you understand what I mean?"

Jiang Yiheng nodded silently beside him.

Lin Qingchen pursed his lips, then turned to look at Ji Xingzhou who was unwrapping the candy wrappers.

"Ah Zhou, do you think so too?" His voice was a little nervous and expectant, hoping that Ji Xingzhou could speak for himself.

Ji Xingzhou suppressed a smile, and brought the candy close to his lips, "Do you want to eat candy?"

Lin Qingchen's delicate face was reddish, probably caused by anger, she bluntly replied "Don't eat" and asked He Qi who was leaning against the wall.


He Qi raised her eyes, and saw that he blinked from embarrassment into anger, "The person who is least likely to make a mistake will have a confusing effect." After speaking, she glanced at Xu Mo.

It was Xu Mo's intention to let Lin Qingchen go up and sell.

This old fox may have counted WV5's eagerness to catch YouthK's tail and sent the most famous in the team.

If even the most stable first swordsman makes a mistake and leads to a disadvantage in the whole game, WV5 can better take this opportunity to hack them.

What a good deal.

I'm afraid that the strategy planned by WV5 was messed up before it was used.

But the second game will not be so easy.

The coach of WV5 was both annoyed and thankful.

Annoyed that YouthK won the first game.

Fortunately, the strategy for the quarter-finals was saved.

"YouthK is like a hooligan. He fucks hard without any strategy. Bandit! Bandit!"

"The next round must make them look good!"

The coach looked at the data of the previous round, and felt more and more confused. Seeing that they were all angry and not alert, he reminded them: "Don't take it lightly, YouthK's operation and cooperation have improved, and you should be careful of the trap in the next round. "

"That's all they do." Lu Feipeng raised his hand and hooked it on Zhao Haoran's shoulder, "I think they are playing fiercely, as long as we are more cautious in the next game, it will be no problem, boss, don't you think?"

Zhao Haoran nodded his head as a tacit consent to Lu Feipeng's words, but bent his body to avoid his hand, "In the next round, we will test it first, and then attack directly."

"It's too reckless to attack directly. You can lure people into the team one by one and kill them. First kill a few combat forces before starting the group attack."

However, the coach's proposal did not get a response.

Zhao Haoran drank the coffee in the cup, "It's too late to kill one by one, and the other party has a nanny so we can't delay too long."

The coach sighed and didn't persuade him anymore, Zhao Haoran is the son of an investor, he can't afford to offend him, and only the manager can persuade him.

It's a pity that the manager of WV5 is discussing with the club's upper echelon to take advantage of the heat of the autumn season to take a few events, and is not in the lounge.

In his opinion, a YouthK against the theater does not need his presence at all.

After Xiao Zuo's analysis at the scene, everyone finally understood that Lin Dazai had been sold just now.

" very Lin Da's style."

"I almost believed it."

"Lin Damai also sells in a unique way."

Xiao You said with a gentle smile: "WV5 was unprepared in the first round, but in the second round, I don't know if YouthK has such luck?"

Xiao Zuo disagreed when Xiao You attributed the reason to luck, but she also skipped this topic when she saw that the two teams had already played for the second game.

(End of this chapter)

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