The eSports coach is a girl

Chapter 107 I Was Fired?

Chapter 107 I Was Fired?
Xu Mo and Lin Qingchen were dragged to the interview. Logically speaking, the host could rest, but Xiaoyou insisted on following in.

They were interviewed by a gold-medal interviewer from a platform, and the questions they asked were very friendly. They had originally planned to end up going home to rest in such a harmonious way, but suddenly a female voice broke in abruptly.

"I don't know what Lin Da thought when Jiang Da didn't come to help when he was besieged?"

The person who was taking pictures and recording videos sensitively captured Xiaoyou's idea of ​​making trouble.

The gold medal interviewer's face darkened, and he looked at Xiaoyou dissatisfied.

Is this hostess here to steal his job?The question asked is so tricky and mean.

The fans who were watching the live broadcast were divided into polarized views because of Xiaoyou's question.

"Although YouthK won beautifully, Jiang Yiheng really ignored his accusations at that time."

"Jiang Yiheng should be a nanny with peace of mind, YouthK has no shortage of output."

"Jiang Jiang can do whatever he wants. I don't understand why he is being sprayed like this."

"This is e-sports. As a nanny, Jiang Yiheng should nurse his teammates well. What kind of output is he doing? I think he wants to show off."

"Just do whatever you want, then don't join the professional team, can't you just be an individual, don't drag the team down."

"It feels like all the beeps are scams."

"Don't you feel your face hurt upstairs?"

"I didn't think there was anything wrong with Jiang Da. It was only when he went to help Lin Da."


Xu Mo's eyes turned cold.

Lin Qingchen was a little confused, and asked inexplicably: "At that time, we all assigned the task, so there was Azhou? He has blood-sucking skills and doesn't need Jiang Jiang's help at all?"

Lin Qingchen's answer was impeccable, making it impossible to find any mistakes.

However, Xiaoyou was unrelenting, "We all know that Ji Da is a group controller, how can he act as a nanny accusation?"

Lin Qingchen smiled, cold as a lotus, "I don't know if this sister has ever played team games, the most important thing between teammates is trust, Jiang Jiang knows that I will be fine with Ah Zhou, so he focuses on it After all, the captain’s blood volume will turn red if you don’t pay attention to it. Although the nurse should pay attention to the blood volume of the whole team, if you give too much attention to those who don’t need it, what about the teammates who need the nurse’s special attention? What to do?"

An e-sports host was pointed out that he hadn't played the game before, and it was considered embarrassing. Xiaoyou's face turned red and then pale, and finally fell silent.

The live broadcast room was even more lively.

"Although I didn't see the face, I could tell it was Xiaoyou's voice."

"Presumably this hostess must have a disheveled face."

"I used to think that the government has always favored YouthK, but now I find that... I may have misunderstood YouthK."

"Upstairs +1"


If Xiaoyou knew that her actions had justified YouthK, she might be so angry that she vomited blood on the spot.

"Why is my focus different from yours? I think it's my illusion that Lin Dayi has a gentle face when he talks about Ji Da?"

"The truth is upstairs."

"It's so sweet when Lin yells Ah Zhou."

"In fact, I have always wondered whether Lin Da thought Ji Da could protect him, so he didn't want Jiang Jiang to protect him."

"Pfft, I really believe it."

"Lin Da: I don't want you, I want Ah Zhou."

"No, I already laughed at my aunt."

After the interview, Xu Mo and Lin Qingchen went to find their coach and teammates, while Xiaoyou received a call from them.

"I was fired? No, why?" Xiaoyou was already angry, but now he exploded when he heard the news that he was fired, "Where did I bring personal emotions?"

The other side seemed to be getting impatient, and asked her, "Who made you offend the nobleman? Go yourself if you want."

Xiaoyou turned pale with fright after hanging up the phone.

Ke Ke didn't lie to her, is there really someone behind YouthK?
(End of this chapter)

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