The eSports coach is a girl

Chapter 124 So what if you win, don't you want to get out?

Chapter 124 So what if you win, don't you want to get out?

"YouthK! YouthK!"

"YouthK punches ducks!"

"YouthK seems to be stronger than before."

"Everyone in Stream, can you go ahead again?"

"It's uncomfortable, other people's little friends have evolved, when can our family evolve by eating spinach?"

The YouthK fan next to him was cute with a puff.

Guo Xutao, who returned to the lounge, patted the cup in confusion, frowning, "I'm too embarrassed to hit too hard."

Jiang Yiheng rolled his eyes when he heard the words, "You're too embarrassed, just smashed the other luthier, and the other luthier was completely fooled by you."

"Is there..." Guo Xutao drank his saliva, his eyes drifted a little.

"I have some new ideas for the next game, and then listen to my command."

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard He Qi's voice.

Xu Mo smiled, "So I can take a little rest."

He Qi gave him a cool look, if it wasn't for the terrified appearance of the luthier opposite, she wouldn't have planned to intervene in the conductor.

Whenever Xu Mo commands, the style of the whole team will become cunning and coquettish.

Just now when Stream fell into the pit dug by Xu Mo several times and got his head removed, she saw the opposite coach looking worriedly at the players who were killed by the trap, for fear that the players under him would blame themselves and be sad to the point of emotional collapse.

After the break, the two teams returned to the competition table.

The kid briefly and quickly introduced the advertisements and official speeches required by the sponsor, and then switched the topic back to the game, "According to the usual practice, it's Stream's turn to defend in the second game, and YouthK to attack."

Ah Q nodded, followed by the kid's words: "Let's look forward to the performance of the two teams in the second round!"

In the audience of Stream, a fan wearing a hat and mask was bowing his head and typing on his mobile phone bitterly. The words "poodle black fan group" were clearly written on the top of the chat group.

"What's the matter with Stream, it's so weak all of a sudden?"

"That's right. I won the group stage a few days ago very well. Why is it like a balloon popped today?"

"Could it be that YouthK secretly stuffed money into their club to buy them?"

"Judging from YouthK's previous history of spending a lot of money to buy official support, the speculation above is likely to be the truth."

Those people couldn't understand and guessed wildly, but Zhao Haoran, as an e-sports player, clearly knew that Stream didn't release the water, but YouthK suppressed them all the way.

Unexpectedly, YouthK has grown to this point in just over a month.

There was a hint of gloom in Zhao Haoran's eyes.

Unfortunately, he made a big discovery.

Zhao Haoran couldn't help curling the corners of his mouth while typing.

"Does anyone think that YouthK's overall style has changed? I just watched YouthK's new coach and didn't say much in the first game. It seems that the captain Xu Mo is directing the team from the beginning to the end."

Even if YouthK becomes stronger, he can still find a breakthrough and let the new coach go.

Sure enough, under Zhao Haoran's reminder, many people specially ran back to replay the first round, and then came back emotionally.

"Damn, is this new coach so disgusting?"

"I, Xu Da, was already very busy with the highly skilled assassin, and I forced him to command the whole team."

"This is a dog, I was so angry that I smashed my phone!"

"I was at the scene and I can confirm that what the group leader said is true. That poodle is like a theatergoer. He is too idle, and occasionally looks down at the data."

"This is really a vase, do you think you are acting on stage?"

"I can't help it anymore, I'm going to the official website to get them to fire the poodle!"


Seeing more and more people going to the official website to post comments asking the club to fire the new coach, Zhao Haoran gloated and smirked.

So what if you win, don't you want to get out?

(End of this chapter)

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