The eSports coach is a girl

Chapter 126 The Tortured Paladin

Chapter 126 The Tortured Paladin
He Qi looked indifferently at the blood volume on the opposite side, and parted her thin lips lightly, "Vampire array."

Before the luthier had time to add blood to the gunman, the black magician (Ji Xingzhou) launched a large-scale blood-sucking formation, and the luthier's unhealthy blood volume dropped rapidly.

Stream's coach saw the luthier's blood volume and said decisively: "Luthier protect himself!"

The gunner has no advantage in defending the game, and the nanny can't just die like this.

After feeding himself a few sips of blood, the luthier gave his teammates a blessing buff (which can reduce the magic damage by 50%), and the damage of the blood-sucking array was directly reduced by half, making it tasteless.

The gunman fell quickly under the attack of the assassin (Xu Mo) and the nurse (Jiang Yiheng).

"The nanny retreated to the G area to control the collective blood volume, the black magician (Ji Xingzhou) put a group deceleration buff and then specialized in warlocks, the swordsman (Lin Qingchen) launched a group attack, and the assassin (Xu Mo) beat those with high blood volume Change target after reaching red blood."

Hearing this, Jiang Yiheng retreated to a safe area and concentrated on working as a nurse.

It is very dangerous to attack the warlock and luthier with thin blood volume under the deceleration buff of the black mage and the group of swordsmen. Since the warlock left the front line to save the luthier, he can only click the mouse frantically to rush back to help his teammates under the deceleration environment. Before arriving, he was robbed to death by the black magician halfway. The warlock brother let go of the mouse in a dazed expression. The opposite side had calculated their actions from the beginning, from trapping the others to attracting him to quit the frontline gang. The luthier has already hinted at the death of the warlock from the beginning.

Stream quickly lost two players.

And under the nimble movement and the mad nurse (Jiang Yiheng), the swordsman (Lin Qingchen) single-handedly withstood the stick masters and paladins on the front line, and his pressure only came after the assassin (Xu Mo) joined. It's less, but it's a pity that the swordsman can no longer use his skills because he consumed too much blue.

The luthier on the opposite side was also facing the same situation, only the paladin still had half of his blood, and both his and the stick master's blood had already turned red.But his remaining blue can only replenish half a tube of blood for one person.

After hesitating for a second, the luthier added all the blue to the stick master, and the luthier who lost the blue picked up the crystal clear guqin and ran towards the front line.

Without the blue, you can level the A enemy, and you can also block damage to your teammates.

"The black magician (Ji Xingzhou) took the luthier away and then attacked the paladin from behind the swordsman (Lin Qingchen). The nanny used the remaining mana to use the cherry blossoms and quit the battle. Wait for the mana to recover to 10%. The black magician increases blood." He Qi said lightly.

The black magician (Ji Xingzhou) wiped out the luthier's last bit of blood with a long-range attack, and then hid behind the swordsman (Lin Qingchen) to level the A Paladin.

The blue-less swordsman (Lin Qingchen) can only act as a human bun to block all the attacks of the paladin.

The paladin wanted to attack the black mage (Ji Xingzhou) behind him several times, but was interrupted by the swordsman, and the swordsman (Lin Qingchen) who kept beating him forcibly resisted the damage value.

It can be said that the black magician (Ji Xingzhou) was protected by the swordsman (Lin Qingchen) unscathed.

After Jiang Yiheng and other teammates' blood volume turned red, they activated the Sakura Mantian Garden, and all teammates instantly became full of blood and doubled their blue value at the same time.

The nanny took a few steps back and completely left the battlefield to return to blue more quickly after the combat state was cancelled.

The paladin managed to beat the swordsman to death quickly, and when he saw all the blood on the other side turned green, he was so depressed that he exploded.

He glanced at his teammate Stick Master who was pulled far away by the assassin (Xu Mo), and could only grit his teeth and continue to beat the swordsman from green blood to orange and then to red.

On the other side, the assassin (Xu Mo) has low blood volume. Even if he is full without a nurse, he will be beaten into residual blood again by the stick master with twice his blood volume. The stick master's all-round skills can not only interrupt the assassin's attack but also Hit him two meters away, and the stick master can be ranked second among the most hated roles of assassins.Xu Mo managed to beat the cudgel master to the point of death, so he resolutely turned on the unparalleled mode and finally died with the cudgel master.

When Ji Xingzhou saw the swordsman fall down, his black eyes turned cold. He had been recharging his energy and energy, and finally used nearly full blood and blue points to slowly consume the paladin to death with the blood-sucking array.

The paladin on the opposite side had expected such an ending when he beat Lin Qingchen to death, and watched his character tortured to death by the black magician weeping.

Paladin: I had no choice but to kill your swordsman (crying.

Black Mage: So what?

 Intuition tells me that many babies directly skip the specific situation of the team battle and look for Azhou and Qingchen's sugar =-=
(End of this chapter)

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