The eSports coach is a girl

Chapter 129 He Hasn't Shown All His Strength

Chapter 129 He Hasn't Shown All His Strength
"Mom cheated too!"

"Am I dreaming, who will wake me up?"

"Upstairs I'll help you (grinning up)"

"So what is this supplement?"

"I don't know, what kind of delicacy, bird's nest and ginseng are unique?"

"It felt like Stream's captain and coach knew."

"Crying and chirping YouthK is too stingy, I won't let you borrow money."

"I really want to know what kind of supplement it is."

Jiang Yiheng and Guo Xutao laughed when they saw Xu Mo's post.

"Boss, you are too stingy." Guo Xutao reposted Xu Mo's news while talking and commented, "No loan, no loan, no money."

Seeing Guo Xutao turn around, Jiang Yiheng followed suit, "The supplements are ours, and only ours."

Lin Qingchen and Ji Xingzhou looked at each other, and took out their mobile phones to forward Xu Mo's news.

The news reposted by YouthK as a whole confuses both fans.

"What is the fairy tonic that is so popular?"

"Even Xu Da came out, it looks like some kind of elixir."

"Let me make a bold guess, could it be some cheat?"

"Be careful upstairs and get beaten."

"Maybe some super effective training method."

"You can have this, YouthK is hiding some fragments of peerless martial arts."

"Sunflower Collection?"

"Why are we talking about the Sunflower Book?"

"I'm so curious."


Stream's captain rolled his eyes when he saw this news on the way back to the apartment, "This group of people is really...who cares."

The coach turned his head to look at the screen when he heard the movement, and then sighed, "I'm really rare."

"YouthK's current strength is mostly due to Xu Chen's credit. It's no exaggeration to say that I can't match Xu Chen." The coach said a little sadly.

"It's not that exaggerated, is it?" The team members frowned, their eyes subtle.

"Otherwise, what do you think? Why did I ask him over and over again to give advice to you?" The coach said earnestly, "Under that person, YouthK might really be able to win the championship."

"Didn't they also take the name of Huaxia District last year... No, coach, what are you talking about? Champion?" The team members were stunned.

"Just wait and see." The coach thought of the calm and shallow eyes of the opposite coach during the game, "He hasn't shown his full strength yet."

Stream's team members: "???"
Two hours later the official release of a one-and-a-half hour audio clip, split between the two teams.

The official edited the most tense and interesting part, which included the audio of about 5 minutes of the second YouthK counterattack.

Except for a few flat and soothing voices of a cool and cool boy, YouthK's style of painting in that part of the team battle was simply unbearable to look at.






After all the verbs, there is finally a longer sentence.

That's what Jiang Yiheng said when he left the battle circle and waited outside, "Come on, brothers, I'll watch a show."

"I can leave you alone." That was the rough Chinese voice that Guo Xutao disliked.

"You mean to say me?" Jiang Yiheng turned back unconvinced.

From then until the end, the two fought each other.

The fans laughed, a bunch of 2333 comments.

"My brother Guo and Jiang Da have sex with each other online hhh"

"Is that soft but penetrating voice the voice of the new coach Xu Chen?"

"It should be, I have to say, I don't control my face but I control my voice. I have fallen."

"Adding voice control, Xu Chen's voice is simply a breath of fresh air amidst the quarrel between Brother Guo and Jiang Da."

"So what about those black fans who said Xu Chen was lazy? The second round was all directed by Xu Chen alone. I really want to ask now, does your face hurt?"

"My brother is an old fan who has played the game for ten years. He said that it would be very difficult to win the second round if it weren't for Xu Chen's god-level commander YouthK."

"Hey, so why was it so bad before? It's because the team's injury is so bad."

"Let's just let this matter pass, we will cheer for YouthK together in the future, we are all as one."

The YouthK fan group leader took the opportunity to come out to make peace, and the previous black fans did not complain anymore. After the professional analysis of Xu Chen's command, he began to accept the new coach with an objective attitude.

Two-thirds of the poodle black fan group immediately retreated, and the rest were almost all entrusted by Zhao Haoran.

(End of this chapter)

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