The eSports coach is a girl

Chapter 135 Why Are You Always So Warm

Chapter 135 Why Are You Always So Warm

He was told the reason when he was brought back to He's house by He's father and mother.

"We are also heartbroken and sorry for what happened to your parents. We can give you the conditions you want to avenge, but after the revenge is over, you can only focus on our daughter for the rest of your life. You have already experienced the intrigue between families. It's getting dark, we don't want Xiaoqi to face the same situation when he grows up, so after you have avenged your revenge, you have to take the burden of the He family on behalf of Xiaoqi. You are also a smart child, and you can understand the importance of being a parent. Painful, right?"

With a numb expression at that time, he responded, "Yeah."

Then there was a little tail behind him, and it was said to the outside world that it was the doll of the nanny's family boarding at He's family.

Watery, cold but very assertive.

The little milk baby is beautiful and has a pleasant temperament. He will not make troubles like the leather children on TV. Apart from frequent hugging, he always plays with toys quietly.

After changing his name, He Tingyi received a lot of education and courses. In order to take revenge as soon as possible, he studied from morning to night, and he was exposed to management and financial knowledge in elementary school.

Finally, in the year when he graduated from high school, he watched coldly as the woman who had pushed her mother down the stairs, causing a miscarriage, and lost too much blood, repeated what happened to her mother before she died.

Then hollow out the bottom of their business just like they did with their own father, so that they also feel the collapse and despair of facing bankruptcy.

In the end the man jumped, confessed to his dead father and jumped down.

The moment he finished his revenge, his heart was empty.

He returned to He's house calmly, and carefully washed his hands with hand sanitizer many, many times.

He was afraid that the smell of blood on his hands would scare his sister.

Even though he has never touched his enemy from beginning to end, his hands are very clean.

He still feels dirty so keeps washing.

He also forgot how many times.

All he knew was that suddenly a figure came over and hugged him from behind.

"Brother, why are you always so warm?" The girl's voice was very depressed, "And can you stop wasting the warmth in your hands?"

He Qi, who was dressed tightly, frowned and walked to the same level as him, looking down at the rushing faucet.

Seeing that he didn't respond, He Qi turned off the faucet, and poked his hand by the way, which was so cold that she immediately took it back.

He Tingyi was still distracted, his dark eyes were empty and dull.

He Qi took a look at him, dried his hands with a towel, then grabbed his hand with his own warm hand and pulled it out, "Let's go, Mom and Dad called us to eat."

He Tingyi was led for a walk by the girl like this at that time, his hands gradually warmed up, and a string in his brain gradually relaxed.

At that time, he was thinking, where would he be wandering now without the help of the He family?
Or is it... dead?
From that day on, he was fully integrated into the family.

He's father and mother treat him like their own, and He Qi is also very dependent on him.

In the past, he was blinded by hatred and couldn't really accept their love, but now he deeply understands that he is treated as a member of the family.

The warm days were not long, and at the end of He Qi's freshman year, He's father was diagnosed with terminal cancer.

The nightmare came too fast, one month later He's father passed away, He's mother left a letter and left home saying that she was going out to relax.

In the letter, he and He Qi were given all of the He family's property, and asked him to take good care of his younger sister.

Before He Mu left, she gave He Qi the contract she signed as a child in front of him, and she didn't know if she still kept the contract between him and this family.

(End of this chapter)

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