The eSports coach is a girl

Chapter 150 Sun Art Invested in Another Club

Chapter 150 Sun Art Invested in Another Club
"Mr. Gao, why are you here?" Can walked over with surprise and flattery in his eyes.

Hearing this, Gao Xin straightened her body, and replied with a sense of superiority: "I met the employee I used to lead, so I have a chat with him."

He Qi raised her eyebrows. It turns out that after Gao Xin was fired, he invested in the Cici team?

Can turned his head and saw the expressionless He Qi, and seemed a little surprised: "Coach Xu, you're here too."

"Let's go first if you talk about what I have to do."

The boy's eyes were calm, which made Gao Xin and Cici feel powerless.

Seeing He Qi turn around, Gao Xin blurted out anxiously, "Xu Chen, although you are more capable than the previous Lu Jiancheng, you are still a yellow-haired boy who can't get on the stage. Don't think that with a little idea, you can lead those incompetent people to smooth sailing. There are plenty of great people like you."

This time, he spent a lot of money to hire a well-known analyst for Cici to guide them, and he also saw the power of that analyst in the group stage. So what if YouthK can enter the quarter-finals?As long as you follow the tactics provided by that person, don't you have to surrender?

Gao Xin wanted to make YouthK's club regret, and he even fantasized about how he would sneer and refuse when the new boss invited him back again, taking revenge for all the shame of that day.

Can's eyes showed displeasure when he heard Gao Xin's words.

Ever since Gao Xin invested in the club and stuffed an old man in, his power has been emptied step by step.

Originally, he was the one who provided the strategies and tactics, but when the old man came, Qing Ao degraded him with disdain and passed him to guide the team.

The team members accepted the uncle's sudden intervention after winning a few times with his method, and even became more and more lazy to pay attention to him when he provoked him.

He was angry and hated, but what could he do?
They were brought in by investors, and the team members were not on his side, so he could only swallow his grievances in his stomach.

When he met analysts and Gao Xin, he had to try to curry favor with them. He was afraid of offending them and even deprived him of his coaching position.

The two of them stared intently at the slender figure like a bamboo, but saw that the young man just waved his hand at them.

It's as if you didn't hear him at all!
Gao Xin blushed with anger and kept cursing Xu Chen.

Can is jealous that Xu Chen can neglect Gao Xin as he pleases.

Gao Xin scolded for a long time and no one responded and was a little embarrassed. When he turned around and saw Can bowing his head in a submissive and fawning manner, he found some comfort in his heart, and patted him on the shoulder with a pleasant face, "You see more clearly than him, Like he can only be a coach, you still have a chance to appreciate."

Can sneered in his heart that Gao Xin said these kind words falsely just because he was willing to talk to him to satisfy his vanity, but he still echoed his words on the surface, "I understand Mr. Gao's good intentions. People like Xu Chen People with low EQ don’t understand your kindness, so please don’t take it to heart.”

This made Gao Xin even more satisfied, and he looked at Can with softer eyes, "It's hard for you to have such thoughts, tell me if you encounter trouble in the future."

Can almost blurted out, can you bring that old man from where to send him back?

But he knew it was impossible, saying it would only offend Gao Xin.

So he still smiled brightly, "Thank you, Mr. Gao."

The first thing Gao Xin did when he left the hall was to call the invited analyst.

"I want Cici to win the game in the most insulting way to YouthK, preferably with a 2:0 record, and I want YouthK to suffer a crushing defeat!"

(End of this chapter)

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