The eSports coach is a girl

Chapter 154 He met Elf purely by accident

Chapter 154 He met Elf purely by accident

After He Qi finished coaching the players in the training room, he checked the time. It was past ten o'clock, and Xu Mo hadn't come back yet.

Thinking that he might be reporting the temptation to others, He Qi's eyes were slightly cold.

Xu Mo came back in the early morning.

He got out of the car halfway, and then walked back to the apartment in a daze with the night wind blowing.

He recalled his growth experience and every bit of getting along with the coach.

At that time, the reason why he joined YouthK was that he had a special feeling for the game Wings of Hope.

His life has been very monotonous since he was a child. At that time, his only relative was Uncle Wang. Every day Uncle Wang would tell him that his mother, whom he had never met, was beaten and abused by that white-eyed wolf. When it comes to the reason, Uncle Wang will only say that it is not yet time.

He learned from Uncle Wang that his biological father gradually transferred his mother's company to his own name to evade his mother's power after entering his mother's house. With twins.When his mother realized that she was pregnant with him, she was worried that he would be persecuted by the mistress, so she went abroad during the cold war with Baiyanlang and gave him the secret of giving birth to Uncle Wang. Uncle Wang said that her mother had no choice but to deny him to protect him.

Although the mother can't see him, she writes letters to him abroad every month, asking him to study hard, and no matter what, he can't be worse than the third child.

He also did not disappoint his mother.

He has always been alone abroad because of his different nationality and lack of parents. He has been exposed to many fields without other things to do. The teacher is full of praise for him, but he is not happy.

He learns so much knowledge just because he is bored, and his life has no focus.

Until later, when he accidentally learned about the game Wings of Hope, the students around him were full of praise for it, and praised it as unparalleled.He also downloaded that game for recreational purposes, and then started his gaming career.

Qin Xian was a character he randomly selected, and even the name Mo Shangqing was chosen randomly.

The game is pretty boring, but it's a good choice to pass the time.

He met Elf purely by chance.

At that time, a new elite dungeon was opened, and he wanted to go to the dungeon alone, but was told that this dungeon must be entered by a team of five people.

He was drawn in by the small teams that had just been established around him, and Elf, who was not that famous at the time, was also in it.

He learned from other people that the elf was also a lone traveler, and was temporarily pulled in to fill the crowd.

At that time, neither he nor Elf spoke in the team, and the other three seemed to have a good relationship, and we chatted happily with each other.

After entering the dungeon, he followed the elves to gain experience. He saw that the opponent's operation was first-rate and didn't need him at all, but he followed behind cheekily, occasionally helping the opponent gain blood, and sometimes robbing the elves' heads to get rewards. much experience.

The elf didn't say anything about him, and seemed to acquiesce in his rogue behavior. He silently wiped out the mobs around him quickly and followed the other three into the cave.

The three of them cooperated well, and the five of them quickly reached the final boss level.

As a qin fairy, he hid in the outermost safe place and only helped the elves with the highest hatred value increase blood.

After all, monsters only focus on the elf with the most damage, and he is a little embarrassed to have been rubbing his experience.

In the end, the boss made a big move when the blood was red, and all three people died except for the elf who was blooded by Qin Xian who was still alive.

They sent a team message on the spot.

"That Qin Xian, do you know how to play? We didn't say anything before we only added blood to the elves. We are almost dead. Are you blind or on purpose?!"

"You two won't be playing with us together!"

The rules of the elite dungeon at that time were that only the surviving players could participate in the sharing of the reward items that popped up, and the dead players could only get experience.

(End of this chapter)

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