The eSports coach is a girl

Chapter 156 The Birth of YouthK

Chapter 156 The Birth of YouthK

Wings of Hope is a special existence for Xu Mo, it can be said to be the only color in his black and white world.

So he proposed to ask Xu Ming Investment Club to build a bridge for them to communicate.

He was the first to join the team and the first to start professional training.

The YouthK youth training team successively recruited many players younger than him. They trained in the same dormitory, and they went from being speechless to understanding each other.

Xu Mo basically doesn't talk much, just follows the team to complete the daily targets according to the requirements of the coach of the youth training team.

After the club raised enough funds, it founded YouthK, and selected five members from the 23 youth training team members to form a complete e-sports team.

He spent a little time to strengthen his control over the role of assassin, and successfully stood out from the pk that took a week.

Since he is the most advanced youth training team, everyone defaults to him as the captain.

YouthK formed by Guo Xutao, Jiang Yiheng, Lin Qingchen, Ji Xingzhou and him was born.

In the beginning, everyone didn't speak or communicate, except for Lin Qingchen and Ji Xingzhou who seemed to know each other, the others just did their own thing.

Probably because of strangeness and shyness, no one broke the ice.

Guo Xutao was the first person who couldn't hold back. He started to actively find topics to communicate with them. Jiang Yiheng, who was afraid that he would be too embarrassed talking to himself, would occasionally reply to him, and then he was entangled by Guo Xutao and gradually became familiar with them.

They trained and lived in pairs, as if he was alone.

But he has long been used to it, and even said that this isolation was caused by him intentionally.

He just needed a logical reason to stay in the team and exchange messages with his brother. At that time, in his opinion, there was nothing more important than helping his brother and waiting for Elf to come back.

Two weeks later, Lu Jiancheng entered the apartment as a coach, and criticized their team game from head to toe, and even hated him, the captain who hadn't played a solidifying role.

"Why isn't the team competition called an individual competition? It's because it requires the cooperation of the players to achieve the greatest effect!"

"So what if all of you are well-known figures on the pk list? Any regular team with a tacit understanding can beat you to pieces!"

"And how do you become the captain? You have no communication with the team members, do you still think of yourself as a casual player?"

After Lu Jiancheng pointed out various problems in their cooperation, he gave them special training to cultivate the team's cooperation.

After a few weeks, they finally achieved results. While the team's cooperation has improved, they have also communicated more with each other.

Lu Jiancheng was still dissatisfied, and asked him to command the team for the game after discovering the gap between him and the other players.

He had to open his mouth to communicate with the players, but since he rarely spoke to them before that, the result was that he didn't feel like he could hold the entire team.

"Lin Qingchen, can you stop the warlock on the opposite side?"

"Can Guo Xutao use a group attack skill?"

He was lectured by Lu Jiancheng within a few words.

"You're the captain, you're not a waiter. Talking to the team members so politely, do you think they really have time to judge whether the ambiguous orders you gave are right or wrong?"

"The captain has no courage to speak, how can the team members believe you?"

"Once you miss the opportunity, what will you use to fight with others?"

Under Lu Jiancheng's reprimand, they made rapid progress, and Xu Mo even felt pressure that he didn't even realize.

His life began to have other expectations in the unknowingly intense training.

The opportunity to completely break his life was the semi-final of the LW Huaxia District.

(End of this chapter)

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