Chapter 213
When the appointed time was almost up, the members of YouthK sat on their computers with serious expressions and waited for the Holy Grail friendly match invitation.

He Qi moved a chair and sat behind them.

"How is your 'absolute manipulation' practice?"

Guo Xutao turned his head in a daze, "Don't worry, coach, we have practiced well."

"Yeah." He Qi nodded, "Can you control the whole game?"

Guo Xutao choked suddenly, "Hurry up."

He Qi had an idea in his mind, and then looked at the two beside him, "How are you two, Qingchen and Xing Zhou?"

Lin Qingchen said lightly: "Yes."

Ji Xingzhou followed closely, "Same."

He Qi blinked in satisfaction, the other two don't need to ask, Jiang Yiheng's situation must be better than Guo Xutao's, and Xu Mo discovered that his ability to accept was the fastest among them when she was teaching.

Jiang Yiheng waited for a long time but saw that the coach didn't intend to ask him, so he couldn't help turning around to look at him aggrieved, "Don't you even ask me, coach?"

He Qi remembered that Manager Zhao had been asking her on WeChat to ask him something. Hearing this, he raised his eyes to Jiang Yiheng and explained, "You don't need to ask, I don't worry."

Jiang Yiheng was very happy to hear this answer, and turned back happily.

"Get ready for the competition." Xu Mo clicked the invitation box that popped up on the screen, "I have agreed to the Holy Grail competition invitation."

"Received." Everyone got serious and moved their fingers when the screen jumped.

He Qi didn't plan to command in the first round, and looked down at the message from Manager Zhao when they were preparing.

"The club has received several advertisements and activities. I know that this is the critical moment of the game. I have already rejected many of them for you. But a big company called Xu Mo and Lin Qingchen to help them live broadcast Advertisements on the website pay a lot of money, and the club means to let them take a day to go to other companies to shoot advertisements, and it won't take a long time."

He Qi's eyes sank, it's not a matter of time.

Once they accept the advertisement, some black fans will jump out and say that they "have an impetuous mentality and value fame and fortune".Basically every e-sports player who received the advertisement was sprayed, it's just the difference between serious and not serious.

However, YouthK has the physique of recruiting black people, every time something happens, the whole network is black, He Qi doesn't want to take this bet.

She wants her players to go out in the best possible state of mind, not under extreme pressure.

He Qi told Manager Zhao her thoughts.

Manager Zhao said that he could understand her thoughts, but this was what the club meant, and he was just a messenger.From a certain point of view, none of them gave the players the power to make decisions.

"YouthK actually accepted commercials when they broke into the World Championship last year. After they lost the game, they were scolded miserably by black fans."

"However, the contract of the team members states that they must properly accept advertisements and activities for the benefit of the company. This is unavoidable. I hope you can understand that some things cannot be done by one person alone. There are too many things in life. It’s a lot of helplessness, but you can only accept it.”

He Qi didn't refute his words, but just asked.

"If the company withdraws the advertisement and requires my team members, can I not accept the advertisement?"

Zhao Zhiheng was taken aback when he saw the news, the meaning was correct, but how could they influence other companies' decisions?

Could it be that Xu Chen wanted to...

He immediately sent a message to persuade the other party.

"Don't be impulsive. If the club finds out that you went to other companies to make trouble, the club will fire you, and I won't be able to protect you then."

He anxiously waited for the other party's answer, but it took 5 minutes for the other party to send a sentence.

"I have my measure."

Zhao Zhiheng:? ? ?

Brother Chen, what do you want to do? !

(End of this chapter)

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