Chapter 215
"No." The elk replied with a dull face.

His mind is full of calculation formulas, and every step is calculated in advance.

The thinking of a science student led him to predict every choice of the opponent and the success rate of the corresponding solution when he was serious.

Just like the hand speed condition of the full level of the piano and a group of ordinary people playing the same new game at the same time, it will show an innate advantage. The elk's brain like a computer is also a bonus condition.

At this time, there were three people blocking him. If they retreat, the success rate is only 35%, if they stay in place, they will be killed in 85%, and if they break through to the assassin, there is a 69% chance of surviving.

He decisively manipulated the paladin to rush to the position of the assassin (Xu Mo) precisely.

Seeing the paladin rush straight into the enemy's rear, Shao Shuomeng said, "I rely on the elk, are you going to die?"

As long as they turn back to the paladins, they will face the dilemma of being surrounded.

That is really besieged on all sides.

"No." The elk said lightly, "The captain will hold them back."

Yan Yifeng's mage activated the entanglement skill when YouthK gathered together, which prevented YouthK's team members from going back in time to cut the paladin.

Xu Mo's eyes darkened when he saw the paladin breaking through towards him.

This game is going to lose.

He manipulated the assassin to knock out more than half of the paladin's blood volume, but unfortunately the paladin's blood volume was too thick, and the assassin couldn't take down the meat shield by himself (referring to characters with very thick blood).

After the elk and other sprint skills were cooled down, they broke through the gap and returned safely to their team's camp.

YouthK has lost a nanny.

After the paladin joined the attack of the Holy Grail, YouthK obviously had a hard time coping.

The uncertain factor of the paladin caused YouthK to miss the opportunity in a hurry, and finally lost the first game.

"What's the situation with the Paladin facing my mother?" Guo Xutao asked depressedly, taking off his earphones.

Jiang Yiheng felt a little heavy, "I remember that the elk only entered the team at the end of last year, and their performance was very mediocre."

As soon as He Qi heard that the holy knight was an elk, he suddenly realized.

If the elk had played for a while longer, the strength of the Holy Grail would have been quite different.

Lin Qingchen's low voice came out, "His strength is on a par with the current No. [-] in the world."

"You mean Ye Tao Fu Ye Shen?" Jiang Yiheng asked in surprise.

"En." Lin Qingchen lowered his eyes.

He had pk with Ye Taofu once before, and it was the same pressure that the paladins put on him.

I have been worrying about whether I am under the surveillance of the other party every step of the way.

Xu Mo's face turned cold. If his strength was similar to that woman's, then he would not be able to win the Holy Grail with an assassin.

"I will play Elf Array Master in the next game, and you will listen to my command then."

The rest were all taken aback.

"Boss, when are you going to play Elf Array Master?" Guo Xutao asked in shock.

Jiang Yiheng said with some embarrassment: "If we change roles temporarily, we may not be able to keep up with your thinking, Boss."

"I practiced it when I was bored." Xu Mo took a sip of water, "You all try to get familiar with my style of playing Elf Array Master, and adapt slowly."

"Got it." Ji Xingzhou smiled and was the first to reply.

Once when he was the second to the training room, he saw the captain practicing the Elven Array Master. It didn't feel like a novice at all.

Ji Xingzhou always felt that their captain was hiding his strength, and he wanted to meet the captain who stood at the top.

(End of this chapter)

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