Chapter 220
Jiang Yiheng also nodded, "That's right, Captain, we survived the misfortune of being sprayed before, so you can use the Elven Array Master to take us away at ease."

"Awwhhhhhhhhh!" Guo Xutao took off in a superman pose.

Ji Xingzhou turned his head and smiled, "Captain, let's win a championship before retiring."

Xu Mo looked at them, cleared his throat for a while, "OK."

He Qi stared at Xu Mo's profile, his eyes sparkling.

In the third round, the Holy Grail changed their strategy. They planned to destroy Xu Mo's Elf Array Master as soon as they came up.

Looking at the elf formation masters makes me feel bad, and only by killing them can I feel at ease.

They have already accepted the fact that YouthK is stronger than them, so the goal of this round is not to win, but to kill the Elven Array Master as the ultimate goal.

"Hit him, hit him!" Shao Shuo yelled and clicked the mouse frantically, "Why am I a clone again?"

Yan Yifeng used a series of strategies to finally pull the Elf Array Master out of the team.

As a result, after some attacks, he found that a certain elf was unscathed, and his white hair was wrapped around his body to form a silkworm chrysalis.

Holy Grail: "..."

The Elf Array Master has a life-saving skill, which can heal himself by absorbing the enemy's attack, but because this skill is so against the sky, it can only be used once in a round.

"Continue to hate him after the life-saving skills are gone." Yan Yifeng hooked the corner of his mouth, "I don't believe he can escape."

YouthK's players started to wave when they realized that the opponent was only playing the captain.

Guo Xutao was the one who laughed the most.

"Although the boss sympathizes with you, it's still very funny."

Jiang Yiheng didn't even have to worry about the blood volume of his teammates, he just added blood to the captain.

"The captain and the others will attack too hard in the next round. I will definitely not be able to increase the blood. You can ask for more blessings."

Xu Mo stared at the screen, his fingers moved nimbly on the keyboard, he lost his temper with the Holy Grail, "Aren't you going to save me?"

After the Elf Array Master's self-protection skills were gone, the Holy Grail launched a second round of combined attacks.

Xu Mo calculated the cooldown time and shifted their attack to the mage (Yan Yifeng).

The mage who was instantly killed: "..."

"Pfft!" Shao Shuo couldn't hold back for a moment.

Yan Yifeng looked over coldly.

Shao Shuo recovered from grief in a second, "Then Xu Mo is too cruel, actually Captain Yin!"

The Elf Array Master disappeared in front of the Holy Grail again. After returning to the team, he retreated directly to the colorful stone.

"I'll guard the house, you can go now."

In order to escape, his blue is basically used up, which is equivalent to a disabled person.

"Received!" Guo Xutao said solemnly and charged forward while manipulating the character.

The Holy Grail is naturally lost.

After Yan Yifeng finished, he sent them a message.

"If you win the spot in the autumn competition, can you come and watch us play when we play in the spring competition?"

Guo Xutao replied after seeing it: "We will go to the quarterfinals."

When the elk saw this sentence, he lowered his eyes sadly.

If he had known about the quarter-finals, he would have seriously competed, but it happened that he only found out that his senior sister had come to watch the competition after the competition.

Yan Yifeng glanced at the elk and continued typing, "We will issue a ticket, you just need people to come."

Seeing this, Jiang Yiheng turned his head and asked He Qi, "Coach, the Holy Grail asked us to watch their games live in the Spring Split, and they will give us tickets."

He Qi originally planned to lock them up for training in the Spring Split.

But now it seems that it is no longer necessary.

"You can go if you want." She bent her lips, laughing uncontrollably, "Anyway, there is such a powerful elf formation master protecting you, so it's okay if you don't train for a few days."

There was a chill behind Xu Mo's back.

The rest of the team members glanced at the captain in unison.

Although I don't know the reason, I always feel that the captain is cool.

(End of this chapter)

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