Chapter 226
The match between YouthK and Sakura Lan was scheduled for the morning.

By the time of the semi-finals, the auditorium was basically full.

In the evening, Qunying and Phy said that nearly 10 tickets were sold out within [-] minutes.

Guo Xutao was nervous as soon as he entered the venue.

The last time when there were so many people, they failed miserably and almost fled.

At that time, the auditorium was full of Chinese and foreigners, and he was overwhelmed by the overwhelming ridicule.

"Promise." Suddenly a hand patted his back, Guo Xutao was startled, but unexpectedly he didn't make a sound.

Guo Xutao's expression was still very stiff with the burning pain on his back.

"Straighten your back, I'm leading a professional team, not a grandpa's team."

He Qi's voice reached everyone's ears, as if a gust of wind calmed their restlessness and brought them peace of mind.

"Although you are far from enough, you can still take it out occasionally." He Qi's eyes slid over everyone's face one by one, "There is no one I brought out who is bad, don't you believe it?" You still don't believe me?"

Guo Xutao took several deep breaths. Although he was still a little nervous, his mind was not as dizzy as before.

All the way along, his footsteps were empty, and his vision was dizzy.

"Coach, we trust you." Jiang Yiheng replied, "I'm just worried that I'll make a mistake on stage."

He Qi looked over coolly, "According to the method of psychological suggestion, the more you care about things, the more likely they will happen. Are you asking for a beating?"

"No, no, no." Jiang Yiheng shrank behind the captain in fear.

"Come here." He Qi pointed to the empty space in front, "Say 'I want to be steady and not wave' three times, louder."

They stood in the corridor of the lounge, and staff members passed by from time to time.

Jiang Yiheng glanced at the staff in the corridor, and said, "Coach, can I go back to the lounge and call again?"

He Qi smiled, and told him seriously, "No."

Jiang Yiheng hesitated for a while before walking out, and shouted in embarrassment, "I want to be steady and not waver".

"The volume is not good, shout again."

Jiang Yiheng squeezed the palm of his hand, feeling very entangled in his heart.

Seeing the coach's eyes getting colder and colder, he gritted his teeth and finally yelled three times loudly, "I want to be steady and not to wave".

Passing staff looked over curiously, and some even whispered softly.

"That's Jiang Jiang from YouthK, right?"

"It seems so."

"What is Jiang Jiang doing, are you emboldened?"

"Listening to the content seems to remind myself to be more stable during the game?"

"It's so cute to say it and remind yourself."

"Hahahaha yes, I thought YouthK would put some water on it like the Q Valley team did against Sakuralan before, but they are so serious, it seems that they plan to go all out."

"I don't like the Q Valley team very much. Although the Yinglan team is all girls, they are also based on their strength. They are caught in a dilemma. I can't say whether it is because of luck or strength. It is too disrespectful to the opponent. .”

"Well, the Ying Lan team can win without letting go. I appreciate YouthK's attitude even more."

Jiang Yiheng blushed and returned to the team.

"Coach Xu, how are you YouthK?"

Oncoming Zhang Jiaojiao, deputy team leader of Yinglan team, waved at them, "You guys arrived so early."

The members of the Yinglan team were all there, and seeing their expressions seemed to have seen Jiang Yiheng's actions just now, each of them had a sincere smile.

"Just arrived." He Qi turned to face them, "We will do our best, so I hope you will also show your full strength."

Yan Xinran, captain of Yinglan team, nodded to them and said sincerely: "We will, thank you."

(End of this chapter)

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