Chapter 229
The fans of Yinglan are both happy and dissatisfied.

And YouthK fans are always calm.

"Brother Chen will not acquiesce to Jiang Jianghu's coming. Based on what I know about them, there must be some bad intentions."

"Although I'm a fan of YouthK, I feel sorry for Ying Lan team for a second."

"Hey, I hope Ying Lan's girls won't be fooled."

"It's not enough to be fooled. Only us outsiders can see Jiang Jiang's picture, and Ying Lan's team members can't see it."

"I always feel that Ying Lan will suffer."

"Sweat silently for the young ladies and sisters."


About 3 minutes later, the Yinglan team finally moved.

The two hosts breathed a sigh of relief and began to explain.

"Sakura Lan's gunmen and assassins circled to the rear of YouthK, seeming to plan to sneak attack on the colorful stone."

"The shooter took the lead in attacking YouthK's nanny, who was knocked unconscious, and the assassin took the opportunity to sneak attack."

As soon as Xu Mo saw the nanny being attacked, he waited vigilantly for the enemy to show up.

When the assassin on the opposite side rushed out, he also appeared from the shadows.

Yan Xinran's eyes lit up, "The sisters launched an attack and quickly smashed the front line of YouthK."

She and the gunman mainly held back Jiang Yiheng from supporting the front line, in order to reduce the combat effectiveness of YouthK's front line.

The Yinglan team is all fighting characters, so they are very afraid of YouthK's nurses, because they can't fight protracted battles, and can only win with blitzkrieg.

The rest of Sakura's team immediately raced against the clock to attack the front line, and soon discovered a factor in their favour.

"Sister Yan, their defense is not high, and Jiang Yiheng doesn't seem to buff them."

"That's better, be careful of YouthK's swordsman, he is more difficult to deal with."

"Received." The players played more cautiously.

The blood volume of YouthK's front-line players is getting dangerous.

All the fans of Team Sakura showed relaxed expressions, while the fans of YouthK began to worry.

"Jiangjiang was dragged down, no matter how thick the blood of Brother Guo on the front line can't stand it."

"My heart beat suddenly quickened, and then I glanced at Brother Chen, and I suddenly became enlightened."

"Yeah, Brother Chen is too calm, I don't know what kind of mentality I should hold to continue watching."

"What's the matter with this feeling of worrying but not being able to worry?"

At the scene, there were more than a dozen group hosts controlling the field, but there was no dispute, but no one was in charge of the live broadcast room, especially the fans of YouthK in the official live broadcast room could not interfere at all, and could only watch those black fans start to spray YouthK.

"Have YouthK gone too far? I guessed early on that the more critical they are, the worse they will be."

"I don't know what you mean by bragging about a coach before. I don't think there is any ability at all."

"I can't even detect the crisis, and I still look like a normal person now, and I don't know who gave him the confidence."

"I feel sorry for the little sister of the Yinglan team, who was once again underestimated in the official game."

"I don't quite understand that YouthK can still make such a big mistake even in the semi-finals."

"Look upstairs and see their performance in the previous World Championships."

"YouthK came out again to show embarrassment haha."

Yan Xinran noticed something was wrong when he tapped.

Why did Jiang Yiheng's nanny deal so much damage to her?

It stands to reason that an assassin with the help of a gunman is enough to deal with YouthK's nanny and assassin, but her current blood volume tells her:

Jiang Yiheng's attack power was abnormally high.

Then she gradually discovered that the nanny opposite had no intention of asking for blood from the beginning to the end.

Could it be that Jiang Yiheng doesn't have any skills to increase blood? !

How can it be?Isn't he worried about the blood volume of the players?

Or do you have a backup?
Once this idea was formed, Yan Xinran panicked, "How long will it take for you, our side may not be able to hold on."

(End of this chapter)

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