Chapter 232
In the second round, Yinglan tried her best to beat YouthK's boxer to death.

Guo Xutao wept silently, but there was nothing he could do. Whoever made him a human shield was here to resist damage.

After shaking Yinglan's hand, the captain said to YouthK's coach alone: ​​"Coach Xu, can you give us some advice?"

He Qi raised her eyes and saw Yan Xinran nodded her head expectantly, "I will send it to your coach's phone later."

"Thank you!" Yan Xinran excitedly grabbed He Qi's hand, lowered her head and shook it.

She didn't mean to, just out of joy.

Many people have seen this scene.

"What did Ying Lan's captain do to my Brother Chen?"

"It must be eating tofu!"

"Brother Chen, I want to shake hands too!"

"Little angel Ran Ran seems very happy?"

"Actually, I don't ask Ying Lan to win. The way they struggle is my spiritual food."

"Yes, strength is important, but what I admire is their attitude."

"Give them a period of time and they will be even better."

"I'm so curious what brother Chen promised to make my young lady happy like that."

Xu Mo glanced at Yan Xinran, his eyes were a little cold.

But he heard the conversation between Yan Xinran and Xu Chen, so he forcibly looked away.

Out of sight out of mind.

After the game, some staff members came to the lounge to find players for interviews.

I thought that only team members would be asked to do interviews, but when He Qi was sitting on the sofa with her eyes closed and resting her mind, a staff member came to say that the media wanted to interview her.

"Manager Zhao, you can go." He Qi continued to close her eyes after hearing this, and lazily waved at Zhao Zhiheng.

Zhao Zhiheng knew how tired Xu Chen was these days as a coach, so he stood up and walked in front of that person, "Let's go."

The young man in overalls showed embarrassment. He glanced at Xu Chen on the sofa, his expression a little tangled and nervous, "The media asked Coach Xu to do the interview."

Zhao Zhiheng frowned, "I've never heard of a semi-finalist interviewing a coach. Speaking of which, what about your work permit?"

The young man's forehead began to sweat. "The xx media asked me to come. I left my work card in the lounge and didn't bring it out."

"Are you sure it's the media?"

"Yes." The young man nodded.

Zhao Zhiheng pondered for a while, turned around and called He Qi, "We have cooperated with that media before, I will accompany you there, and I will answer questions then."

He Qi slowly opened her eyes, eyes full of tiredness.

She blinked her wet eyes, then stood up.

"Let's go then."

The young man wiped off his sweat, Mr. Gao told him to call him Xu Chen only, what should we do?
"Lead the way." Zhao Zhiheng said to the young man.

"Ah, yes, yes." The young man replied with a smile, but he tried his best to say something so that Zhao Zhiheng would not be with him.

Just after they went out, an investor came up to him and called Zhao Zhiheng to talk about advertising.

YouthK has won the competition with an absolute advantage since the group stage in this year's autumn competition. Many companies want to find them to shoot commercials and appoint spokespersons.

Seeing that Zhao Zhiheng was too busy, He Qi patted him on the shoulder, "I'll go alone."

"Okay." Zhao Zhiheng nodded, "Just deal with the questions you don't want to answer. If they make things difficult for you, come back and tell me."

"Hmm." He Qi put her hands in the pockets of her coat, looked up and down at the restrained young man, lowered her head and said calmly, "Let's go."

"Coach Xu, this way please." The young man breathed a sigh of relief, and hurried to lead the way.

He Qi noticed that they were going further and further away, so she yawned and shared her location with Lin Qingchen, and asked him to bring the security guards to find her half an hour later on the grounds that he was lost.

After chatting with Lin Qingchen, He Qi turned on the tape recorder by the way.

Although there is no rule that the coach cannot hit people with his hands, she is too sleepy to do it.

(End of this chapter)

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