Chapter 246
During the break, Zhao Sinan stared at He Qi who was drinking water with admiration.

"Brother Chen, why are you so strong!"

After drinking the water, He Qi replied softly: "I practiced it before."

The first number game she came into contact with was 24 points, and she changed to Sudoku when she was in junior high school.

So some tricks she still remembers.

In the next round of the punishment game, He Qi and Elk sat and rested directly under the stage.

Shen Heng couldn't help but hum when he saw it.

What is the use of strong computing power?

In the next game, they will have no chance of screen exposure at all.

Seeing her satisfied face, Zhao Sinan couldn't help asking, "Brother Chen, have you planned to skip the third mini-game?"

"Almost." He Qi replied lazily with her eyes closed.

If you encounter a 24-point expert, you can only accept your fate and participate in the third game.

The scorching sun in the afternoon shone on the youth's jade porcelain-like snow muscles, as if glowing with light.

The elk took a photo with a deadpan face, his speed was fast and his movements were smooth and natural.

So no one noticed what he was doing.

The elk quietly opened the photo album when no one was paying attention to him.

Senior sister looks good no matter how she shoots.

The third penalty game is that the guests choose in order from the ten cups according to their rankings. Since the cups are completely closed, it is impossible to see what is inside, and the decision is all based on luck.

"These ten cups contain coffee, cola, Sprite, orange juice, watermelon juice, soy milk, and boiled water."

"Of course there are also vinegar, cuttlefish juice, and bitter melon juice."

After the host finished speaking, he looked at Jiang Yin, who was ranked No.3, "Jiang Da, you come first."

Jiang Yin nodded and walked towards the ten cups. He raised the cups to his ears one by one in silence, as if he was listening to something.

After a few minutes, he said gently, "I choose cup No. 2."

The host smiled, "Then please Jiang Da hold the cup you selected, and drink together after all the guests have selected."

"Okay." Jiang Yin walked back to the team leisurely, turned his head and reminded Yun Zhongnan in a low voice, "Choose number 7."


"There is a sound of bubbling."

The props had just been poured out, and Jiang Yin was the first to go up to observe, so the bubbling sound of Sprite and Coke was still there.

Yun Zhongnan smiled evilly, "Thank you brother."

Jiang Yin smiled imperceptibly, watching the silver-haired boy go up and take the No. [-] cup directly.

"Are you sure you want to choose No. 7?" the host asked with a half-smile.

"That's it!" After Yun Zhongnan finished speaking, he turned his head and raised his eyebrows in Jiang Yin's direction.

The female fans behind Jiang Yin blushed a little.

Yun Shen's smile is a little foul!

The guests selected the cups one after another, and finally only Zhang Jiaojiao and Yan Yifeng were left.

After Yan Yifeng went up, he lifted the remaining two cups to the tip of his nose and smelled them.

One is boiled water and the other is bitter gourd juice.

He lowered his eyes, and casually picked one away.

Zhang Jiaojiao had no choice but to take the last cup.

"The guests all have cups in their hands, so—"

The host opened his hand and waved, "Guests, please take a sip now and tell us how you feel."

The guests raised their glasses and took a sip thoughtfully.

"Cough cough cough."

Someone starts coughing.

Others frowned.

"It's really cool." Yun Zhongnan smiled comfortably.

Phy's Wan Mo pursed his lips tightly after drinking.

He seemed to drink cuttlefish juice.

Captain Su Qin noticed the movement and looked over, "Not good?"

Wanmo nodded.

"Do you want to exchange it?" Su Qin asked softly, "This is watermelon juice for me."

Wan Mo hesitated for a moment and then shook his head.

Although the taste of cuttlefish juice was strange, he could bear it. If the captain drank it, he might spit it out in public.

(End of this chapter)

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