Chapter 252
Shen Heng glanced at He Qi gloomyly, but finally had no choice but to give up.

What a nosy!

When He Qi returned to the chair to rest, Zhao Sinan approached with lingering fear.

"Brother Chen, you almost scared me to death just now."

He Qi looked over lazily, "What's wrong?"

Zhao Sinan hesitated for a moment and said softly, "I almost thought you were going to hate that male celebrity."

He Qi didn't answer him, but doubts appeared in his eyes.

Do I look like a troublemaker?

Zhao Sinan didn't dare to answer, so he looked away guiltily.

It's not that he is biased, but that brother Chen's actions are really unpredictable.

What else can a person who can speak like a tortoise not do?
He Qi lowered her eyes, because the sun was too glaring, so she didn't play games, but just looked at the screen boredly.

The game screen is displayed on the screen.

In the second game, because four of them were female fans, the players played more moderately. It was more like a tutorial scene than an entertainment game.

"Why did Yunshen go that way?"

"Because the other side is about to release a move, if you go there, you won't be hit."

"So this is ah."

"Yan Wang, can I add blood to you?"

"No, I will add it when my blood volume is less than half."


"Su Da, when will we attack in groups?"

"When the mage on the opposite side and the corpse girl walk in the same area, then there will be no fish that slip through the net to attack us behind."


He Qi looked at the expressions on the faces of those female fans.

Why is there an illusion of watching blind date activities?
Two minutes later her feelings were confirmed.

No one expected that a female fan suddenly changed her style of painting and asked a topic completely unrelated to the game.

"Does Yunshen have a girlfriend?"

Yun Zhongnan shook his hand and let go of a skill.

"No." He hurriedly made up for the mistake just now.

That female fan looks very cute, with long eyelashes.

She then asked, "Then what kind of girls does God Yun like?"

Yun Zhongnan's eyes drifted even further, "Ah, actually, I don't know either."

"Hasn't Yunshen considered such a thing?" the female fan asked softly.

"no no."

Yun Zhongnan just wanted to end this entertainment match quickly.

The female fan didn't want to ask too much detail, she was already very happy after learning that Yun Zhongnan didn't have a girlfriend.

"Yunshen is so pure."

Yun Zhongnan's eyes flickered after hearing these words, and his face was a little red.

After the match, Yun Zhongnan returned to Jiang Yin's side silently.


Yun Zhongnan immediately raised his head, "No way."

Jiang Yin looked at him, and suddenly raised his hand to pinch his earlobe.

"Then why is it red?"

Yun Zhongnan shrank his neck, like a cat whose hair has exploded, took half a step back and turned his head, "It's hot."

"Oh really?" Jiang Yin was dubious.

"Nonsense!" Yun Zhongnan snorted, "I'm not like you who haven't been in love since childhood."

Jiang Yin lowered his eyes, smiled and turned back, "Your secret love that ended before it even started counts as love history?"

"You! You!" Yun Zhongnan became so angry that he couldn't speak.

Jiang Yin took a step forward, "Don't deny it, you and I are obviously the same."

Yun Zhongnan completely exploded, and never talked to Jiang Yin again in the subsequent activities.

The rest is the interaction between players and fans. Since He Qi is the coach, he is arranged to rest in the audience.

He Qi was naturally happy to relax, and went directly to find a shady place to play games.

After finally waiting for the event to end, He Qi was about to leave but was stopped by Jiang Yin.

"I heard that you have a trump card in the final?"

He Qi replied indifferently: "Yes."

Jiang Yin frowned, Xu Chen's reaction was too frank, as if he had a chance to win.

"According to your algorithm, what are the odds of winning?"

He Qi raised her eyebrows, and after a while asked in doubt: "Why should I tell you?"

(End of this chapter)

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