Chapter 259
"How could EZ be Xu Da? Isn't Xu Da an assassin?"

"I haven't seen him practice this role in the live broadcast?"

"Can Xu Mo play elves? Don't buy that account just to gain attention."

"A hardcore player has analyzed EZ's style of play and said that it is 74% similar to the style of play of God E and God Z. Could it be that this character was practiced just to stir up the topic of the two great gods?"

"It's okay to rub anyone else's heat, even Ye Taofu's, but can you stop rubbing against the two incomparable elf kings in my heart?"

"I didn't think Xu Mo would play such a controversial role for the sake of popularity, but now... I'm a little disappointed."

"Can you stop spoiling the two gods? And the name of this character is also very uncomfortable."

"No matter how much you like God E and God Z, don't use the role of elves in public. This is disrespect to those two elf kings."

"Who are God E and God Z? Why do you care so much about the role of elf? I think as long as you can win, why should you care about other things?"

"The upstairs is new to the pit. You can search for videos of Elf and Zero on the Internet. Although it's just fragments, it can also let you know the peak level of this game."

"Is it that great?"

"Do you know Ye Taofu who is number one in the world? Either God E or God Z can easily defeat her."

"I'm an old player who played Wings of Hope as soon as it entered the market. Although I miss EZ's style of play before, I still don't want anyone to tarnish those two elf kings."

"I strongly request that the game be suspended and let Xu Mo switch back to the Assassin before proceeding."

"The character caused extreme discomfort. I think it is necessary to stipulate that the character of the elf is not allowed to be used in LW competitions in the future."

The newcomers who had just entered the pit began to search for information about Elf and Zero on the Internet, while the players who were a little older in the game asked the staff to let Xu Mo change roles.

The official had received the news from the YouthK Club that Xu Mo would play the finals with the Elf Array Master two days ago. They were also worried that it would cause dissatisfaction among the masses, but in order to attract more people to pay attention to this game Thoughts, they still agreed to YouthK's application.

But what they didn't expect was that the crowd's reaction was so great!
The official association held an impromptu meeting.

Jiang Yin had a smile in his eyes when he saw the name EZ.

No wonder Yan Yifeng reminded him so much.

It turned out to be the killer.

If this is the case, China is expected to win the world championship.

Jiang Yin stood up directly, walked to the staff and told him his thoughts.

The staff looked very surprised, but he nodded and went to the backstage to discuss with the senior management Jiang Yin's proposal.

He Qi was also called to the backstage for a unified meeting.

The host returned to the stage 15 minutes later.

The cute host made a quiet gesture, and waited for the crowd to calm down before speaking seriously.

"After discussions between the association and the two teams, the officials of the LW Huaxia District decided to let the two teams compete in the first PK, and then make a decision on whether YouthK's Xu Mo can continue to use the profession of Elven Array Master to participate in the second game Contest."

The cute master's words obviously couldn't get the approval of the audience, and they made a fuss again.

"I propose to disqualify Xu Mo from the competition and directly award Qunying the victory!"

"wtf, after discussing for a long time, do you still want Xu Mo to tarnish the two elf kings in my heart?"

"I think Xu Mo has to prove that he is EZ first, so don't slap your face and pretend to be fat, and run out to embarrass yourself."

"You fight, if Xu Mo smears the profession of Elven Array Master, I won't be able to spray him to death."

(End of this chapter)

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