Chapter 291
The host clicked on He Qi without chatting a few words.

"Brother Chen, what do you usually do in your rest time?"

She lazily replied, "Playing games."

The host nodded, "And then?"

"Play games."


Suddenly I don't know what to say.

The fans at the scene laughed.

"The Topic Stopper really lives up to its reputation."

"Brother Chen said indifferently: If you want to continue recording the show happily, don't ask him to answer questions."

"Hahahahahaha the host's face turned green."

"I feel sorry for the host for a second."

The host froze for a few seconds, "Brother Chen, won't you go out with your friends to watch movies and play basketball or something?"

The boy finally showed some expression.

"I prefer to watch movies with a projector in the room. As for playing basketball... I am an e-sports coach, why do I want to play basketball?"

The host choked again.

Fans have said.

"I rely on it to make sense. Brother Chen is not a basketball coach, so he doesn't play basketball."

"Emmmm speechless."

"That's right, e-sports coaches should play games!"

"Laugh to death."

It took a long time for the host to find his voice, "Let's warm up with a small game first. The content of the game is: throw balls to win small gifts for fans! We will randomly select a representative from each team to come up and throw small balls. Five times, we will give different rewards according to the ranking, and then the captain of each team will draw a fan on the spot to give it away."

"Ah, I want a reward!!"

"Oh my god that sounds great."

"Yunshen, Yunshen, the heroes must send Yunshen, and Yunshen's pitching moves are very beautiful."

"Sister Yan usually plays basketball, so don't panic."

"It's over, the Holy Grail doesn't seem to have heard of anyone who can play basketball."

"Pfft, the host has given up on continuing to communicate with Brother Chen."

"It's okay to forcefully change the subject."

"Host: Learn well, don't mess with social people."

He Qi raised her eyebrows, the list of throwers had been reported in advance, and Ji Xingzhou was the one.

The one recommended by Lin Qingchen is said to have always been from the school basketball team.

"Brother Chen is here for YouthK, I believe everyone wants to see the male gods in the coaching circle pitch." The host looked at He Qi with a smile and continued to talk about the representatives of other teams.

The other three teams were called according to the previously determined candidates, only YouthK was an exception.

He Qi looked at the host with cold eyes.

She was put on little shoes without doing anything?
However, the host did not look at her expression but turned his back to her to interact with the audience: "There was a video of Yunshen University playing a basketball game on the Internet. Do the fans really want to watch the scene?"


The fans of Qunying responded in unison.

Xu Xianfan, who had been paying attention to Xu Chen, suddenly started whispering.

"Brother Chen seems to be a bit fierce."

"Yeah, I looked quite gentle before, but the moment I was called, my eyes changed."

"It's good to choke people for a while, but the little shoes don't rub your feet afterwards."

"Hahahaha, speaking of it, Brother Chen doesn't play basketball, how can he shoot small balls?"

"Don't even think about the prizes, it would be great if you can hit one."

"Isn't there still the Holy Grail? Don't be cowardly."

"This incident tells us that the less we want to participate in the event, the more we will be called by the host. Perhaps Brother Chen can consider actively participating in future activities. Maybe the host will not call him?"

"I'm going, I almost believed your nonsense."

Arranged roughly in order of ability, He Qi was placed first, Holy Grail's Elk was second, Ying Lan's Yan Xinran was third, and Qunying's Yun Zhongnan was the finale.

(End of this chapter)

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