Chapter 306
The elf queen waved the elf staff in her hand, and tens of thousands of elf arrows shot towards He Qi.

He Qi dodged left and right, knocked out some unavoidable arrows with Frost Heart, and then continued to rush towards it.

Seeing the invaders approaching, the elf queen waved the elf staff again, and a huge water screen blocked He Qi, blocking the way directly in front of her.

He Qi frowned, and murmured "Shuangkai" secretly.

Frost formed on the blade immediately, and the edge of the sword glowed with a cold blue light.

After the heart of frost plunged into the water screen, it quickly froze the surrounding water screen with itself as the center. After it was completely frozen, He Qi twisted her wrist forcefully, and the huge ice cube shattered into ice slag all over the ground.

While rushing forward, He Qi threw out the Frost Heart in her hand, and pointed at the right hand of the Elf Queen holding the holy staff.

"Ah!" The elf queen pulled out her long sword in pain, her hands dripping with blood.

He Qi jumped into the air to catch the Frost Heart, and then took advantage of the opportunity to give it a sword.

"Increase damage bonus."

There are a few more transparent frost flowers around the blade.

Their petals seem soft and gentle, but once they come into contact with an object, they turn into sharp hidden weapons.

The Elf Queen crippled her arms and legs at the same time, and knelt down in embarrassment, with only half of her blood remaining.

He Qi didn't let go of this gap and started a coherent rapid attack.

The elf queen's blood volume was quickly at risk.

The magician jumped out at this moment and reminded: "It's almost the point of the endless loop."

He Qi couldn't help becoming cautious.

When the elf queen's blood volume was almost cleared to zero, it suddenly raised its head to the sky and screamed, and the elf staff shone brightly.

It immediately created a powerful aura around it and ejected He Qi, and the white light on the holy staff instantly enveloped the elf queen.

He Qi took several steps back before stabilizing her body, watching its blood bar fill up quickly with a blank expression.

"Use privileges." She said lightly, "Reveal system monsters' magic point (MP). (Displays the magic point of system monsters)"

He Qi put away the Frost Heart when he saw the nearly full bar of magic power on the head of the Elf Queen.

"It's impossible to have so much magic power!" The magician's voice exploded, "I finally know where the problem is!"

He Qi rubbed her ears, summoned the game menu before the Elf Queen launched a new round of attacks, and chose to exit the instance.

She returned to Aisalan Castle. When new players first start the game, there will be a special NPC to take them to familiarize themselves with the game rules and precautions here.

When Level 100 He Qi appeared on the teleportation platform of Aisalan Castle holding the Frost Heart, all the surrounding NPCs saluted her in awe, and even the timid ones hurriedly packed up their stalls and prepared to go home.

Alsaran Castle is full of NPCs waiting to help new players.

There are heavily armed guards, kind and simple residents, and a flock of pigeons and pets on the lawn.

All living NPCs can interact with it.

This kind of design makes new players who are new to the game not feel helpless, confused and afraid.

However, the safe city in the future basically only has NPCs who issue tasks, and the developers hope that players can find friends to play games with in teams in the future game career.

Of course, if you really want to be a maverick solo player, it is also possible.

Every safety city will set up a hotel as a place for entertainment and relaxation. The waiters inside are all NPCs. If you feel depressed, you can talk to NPCs.

Just as He Qi was about to go for a stroll, Kmy called her back urgently.

(End of this chapter)

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