Chapter 309
"Elf, help me look at the data test here, but I can't achieve the desired effect, and I don't know why." Kmy pointed to the data on the instrument, and handed the desired effect data to He Qi at the same time.

He Qi calmly began to read the code and data seriously, and after doing calculations on the draft paper, he directly helped Kmy to correct it, pointing out what went wrong just now while correcting it.

Kmy kept nodding, and when He Qi finished editing, she held her face and rubbed it, "Elf, you are really great!"

He Qi frowned, "Let go of your claws."

Kmy blinked and let go obediently.

As soon as He Qi straightened up, she was called away by another employee.

"Elf, can you run the data for me?"

"I have a small problem here. It has been more than a week and I can't fix it. Elf, please help me."

"And here!"

He Qi remained expressionless and helped them deal with their problems one by one.

That's why she couldn't leave the optimization department for two or three hours every time she came.

Sally complained softly when He Qi passed by.

"What are you talking about? It's as if you are the only one who can do it."

Unexpectedly, the other party stopped, turned around and said indifferently: "First of all, I'm not yelling."

"Secondly, I don't know about others, but I know you won't, otherwise they wouldn't still ask me questions."

Sally slapped the table angrily and stood up.

Not only was her character seen through, but her ability was also seen through!

What's more, the other party's voice was not soft, and the surrounding employees could hear it.

What would others think of her if it got out?

This is simply public humiliation!
"As long as you give me a few years, I will know these things. You just came to the company a few years earlier than me. What is there to be proud of?"

The optimization department was completely silent, and everyone stopped what they were doing and looked over.

Some are puzzled, some are angry, and some are disdainful.

"Who gave you the confidence? Even if you were given ten years, you would still be inferior to Elf!"

"What's so sour? Who brought this newcomer, why is he so ignorant!"

"Elf's expertise lies in other aspects. She learned optimization by herself in just a few months. Are you a person who has studied optimization for a few years and have the nerve to speak?"

Sally didn't expect that this man and woman could help solve the problem after only learning optimization for a few months, and now she has nowhere to put her face.

She pointed at He Qi with a red face and asked: "If you don't work during work, you go to other departments to be lazy, and you can violate the employee handbook just because you have a boss behind you? Is this the corporate environment of Uford? If this company is like this I'm not waiting for the shady scene!"

"Elf is on vacation now." Suddenly, a cold voice sounded from behind Sally.

"Furthermore, Elf is a game expert I specially invited, and he didn't sign the employee handbook." Auggie walked in slowly, and continued when Sally turned to look at him tremblingly, "Also, you were fired. "

The people in the optimization department didn't expect Boss to come in, and everyone was a little surprised.

Sally didn't expect that the Boss, whom she only met in the final part of the interview, would appear in front of her and throw her a devastating bomb.


Sally managed to get out of a group of applicants. She had just received a month's salary. How could the boss fire her so easily?

"If you don't know the reason until now, then I very much doubt whether you have obtained a double master's degree from xx University as stated on your resume."

(End of this chapter)

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