Chapter 344
The fans in Xu Mo's live broadcast room couldn't help sighing when they saw the assassin's gaze shifted to the soul master.

"Obviously, the battle here is only a few seconds away from the result."

"Father Xu's hands look good."

"Brother Chen narrowly escaped death, almost scared me to death."

"It's not that scary, I'm lurking in Brother Chen's live broadcast room, and he hasn't let his teammates milk him yet."

"It's too late. It takes three seconds for the wizard closest to Brother Chen to rush over. Three seconds is enough for Father Xu to play."

"Even though Brother Chen is very 6, he still can't escape Father Xu's palm."

"Actually, Brother Chen still had hope of winning before Father Xu used the Golden Cicada to escape, but Father Xu guessed that Brother Chen had developed the skills behind him and decisively chose the Golden Cicada to escape."

"It's terrifying, the outcome of a duel between masters is only a matter of thought."

"It's useless for Dad Xu to rush over now, right? He could still fight Brother Chen, but once he passes by, Brother Chen's behavior will be free. He is still a long-range gunman. Only him and a disabled man are left in Dad Xu's team." Bloody soul masters obviously have a dead end."

"Upstairs, you may have forgotten Yingda. Although she is making soy sauce now! She is still guarding near the colorful stone!"

"Hahahahaha I'm sorry I didn't see it on the screen, I thought there were only two of them left in Father Xu's team."

"What are Sakura doing?"

V Sakura: "I'm watching the live broadcast."



"Mom, Sakura!!"

"Yingda, why did you come to the live broadcast room? (Can't laugh or cry"

V Ying: "Because I can't see what they are doing, the distance is a bit far."


"It seems that the poor Sakura didn't participate in the battle."

"Sakura is too sad."

"Father Xu will probably bring the battlefield back, Yingda, go back to the game and get ready."

V Sakura: "I see, thank you."

Xu Mo rushed over to help Mengzhu block the damage.

"Withdraw first."

Mengzhu looked at the back figure on the screen, and moved the soul master home, "Mmm, thank you Father Xu."

Xu Mo retreated while resisting the damage.

"Swap soul masters and warlocks."

Mengzhu's soul master is already in a double disabled state, with no blood and no mana.

So she couldn't be brazen enough to drag Father Xu down on the front line, so she could only walk back disheartened.

It's a pity that he was pulled back by the corpse girl in Xu Chen's team when he walked halfway.

Jiang You's dead girl has a trick that can drag the enemy to her.

"Xiao Zuo blocked Xu Mo." He Qi directed the team calmly, "An Li came to make up the knife."

"Okay." An Li manipulated the wizard to attack the restrained soul master.

When Xiao Zuo heard her name, he knew that he couldn't hide it. Now it was useless to pretend to be typing, so he had no choice but to speak.


Xu Mo's aid was intercepted halfway by Xiao Zuo's archer, and Xiao Yu's Qin Xian was behind Xiao Zuo to help increase blood, so Xu Mo decisively gave up the support and retreated.

The soul master can't be rescued anymore, and if he stays, he will only lose blood in vain.

Meng Zhu's eyes turned red when he saw the assassin stepping back.

Just when the fans in the live broadcast room thought she would cry because she was abandoned by Father Xu, the girl just frowned and said something guiltily.

"I've been held back by Father Xu."

Then he covered his face and sobbed softly.

Her fans cursed Xu Mo distressedly.

"Why didn't Xu Mo save the bamboo?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't want a wolf-hearted man."

"In that case, Father Xu was right to retreat, otherwise what would Yingda do?"

"Don't cry, anchor. Although I know you want fans to feel sorry for you, don't you like Xu Dae? You will only bring Xu Dae a lot of trouble."

(End of this chapter)

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