Chapter 405
He Qi naturally woke up and looked at the time.

05: 30.

She sat up gently, turned her head and stared at the curtain for a while.

I can't sleep anymore, this is just the right time to go out for a run.

He Qi changed her clothes and went to the bathroom to wash up.

When she finished blowing her head and came out, she bumped into Xu Mo changing clothes.

The man's muscular upper body was covered by the T-shirt for a second, his soft hair was curled up, and there was a trace of lazy beauty in the mess.

He pulled the neckline, and the soft morning light hit his exposed collarbone through the glass, making him look even fairer.

After putting on the T-shirt, Xu Mo couldn't help but smile when he saw the girl looking away in embarrassment, "I'm sorry, I'll pull a curtain next time."

He just thought she would be there for a while, so he went directly to the spacious place by the window to change.

"Your face is not on the same channel as the rest of your complexion." He Qi looked at him suspiciously, "Did you put some strange liquid foundation on your face?"

Xu Mo glanced at his arms. Normally, he would not wear short sleeves in order not to cause trouble, and he would try to cover his neck as much as possible.

"The face is camouflaged." Xu Mo nodded his face, "This way you won't be recognized."

He Qi stepped forward in shock, "I can't tell at all."

Xu Mo blinked, "Do you want to poke?"

"is it okay?"

"Of course." Xu Mo bent down so that the other party could touch his face, "Try."

He Qi hesitated for a moment, then stretched out her hand and poked Xu Mo's face.

Soft and warm.

Can't feel anything wrong at all.

"Is your original appearance much worse than it is now?"

Xu Mo raised his eyes and pondered for a while.

"Juju said it was far worse, and the facial features have been adjusted quite a lot."

He Qi nodded thoughtfully.

Xu Mo straightened his upper body, suddenly realized something, and suddenly lowered his head and asked her, "What kind of boys do you like?"

"I like the appearance of elves, and everything else is the same to me." He Qi replied truthfully.


Xu Mo was stunned, what are the characteristics of the appearance of elves?
"En." He Qi responded lightly.

She dug out a photo from her mobile phone, which was a virtual character she had previously made with 3D modeling.

"like this."

Xu Mo swallowed, and looked nervously at her phone.

A beautiful silver hair hangs down to her chest, and she wears a crystal crown on her head. The three-dimensional and profound European-style facial features exude a sense of coolness and detachment.Those light blue eyes stared in one direction without focus, and exuded the coercion that made people bow their heads.

"You don't have to worry about it, it's just virtual data, it doesn't look like this in real life."

He Qi raised her eyebrows casually.

"Even if there is, the temperament may not match."

Seeing the infatuation in the girl's eyes, Xu Mo was confused.

"Can you send me a photo?"

If she likes this style, maybe he can...

"Yes, yes." He Qi looked at Xu Mo confusedly, "But what are you using it for?"

"Look." Xu Mo smiled, "I also like the data you made."

He Qi's eyes lit up, "You think it's great too? Alright, then just wait."

After Xu Mo saved the picture sent by He Qi, he forwarded it to Juju.

"How similar is this person to me?"

He Qi frowned the second after posting the photo.

"Don't even think about changing facial features with technology on your face, this will damage tissue cells."

"Don't worry, I won't do that kind of thing."

Xu Mo looked at the elf in the photo with a complicated expression.

If it was another style, he might give up calmly, but this male elf...

Maybe it was really fate.

(End of this chapter)

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