Chapter 456
Although I don't know what someone's specific plan is, but it just won't make Yu Miaomiao feel better.

When Yu Miaomiao first started pretending, Xu Mo had many ways to expose it, but at that time it was pointed out that Yu Miaomiao could retreat completely without affecting her normal life.

But now that it is pointed out to be a fake Elf, I am afraid it is not that simple.

Once the scope of influence expands, the fame and fortune will multiply and so will the hidden dangers.

Being famous will cause jealousy. Didn't Yu Miaomiao get dissed by a classmate she knew a few days ago?

Speaking of which, the old fox didn't even need to make a move, and that classmate was enough for Yu Miaomiao.

He Qi's guess was right.

Cui Yuge, a classmate who hated Yu Miaomiao a few days ago, after learning that Yu Miaomiao hid in the youth training team and dared not face her comments, collected a lot of strong evidence from E God's fans.

Several times, the time when God E was brushing dungeons with his friends and making rankings was the unified activity time of the school.

It is impossible for Yu Miaomiao to dance and play games in front of the whole school at the same time.

Just when she sorted out all the evidence and uploaded it online, she was told that her account had been reported and frozen.

Cui Yuge angrily posted once on the trumpet, but was quickly deleted by the system.

She unbelievingly borrowed a friend's account to upload evidence, but was also deleted in seconds.

Only then did she realize that all the comments posted a few days ago had disappeared, and it was obvious that she had been passive.

Cui Yuge was about to explode.

It's like this again, every time!
Yu Miaomiao in junior high school also won the selection and glory that originally belonged to her by virtue of her status as the daughter of the Yu family.

Why can one do whatever one wants and reverse right and wrong based on one's high status.

Why can she just obediently accept this unfair treatment!
But the reality is so cruel.

That night, a strange phone call was made to Cui Yuge.

"Is it fun to fuck me?"

"Cui Yuge, have you made up your mind to be right with the Yu family?"

"You have to make trouble and ruin your family before you are willing to recognize the reality?"

"If you stop here, then I can get your father promoted, if you still don't know what to do..."

"You know I can do anything."

Cui Yuge hung up the phone silently, watching the evidence he had collected for several days, deleting words and pictures one by one.

However, even if Cui Yuge gave up, the evidence she collected was still captured and recorded.

This is the downside of being too hot.

If the number of fans is small, deleting a post in the background will not be noticed by anyone.

But Yu Miaomiao has already spread the fame of God E to a large extent, even if it is only for a few seconds, more than a dozen people have seen it.

One pass ten, ten pass one hundred...

The background can delete one or two posts in seconds, but if dozens of posts are posted at the same time, it will be really difficult for them to handle.

"I'm going, it's really a fake!"

"Bitch, how dare you pretend to be my God E!"

"What about people? Why don't you speak up and pretend you don't have the courage to stand up?"

"I didn't expect such a pretty girl to do such a thing."

"I said that no matter how degraded she is, she shouldn't be able to display half of her original strength. It turns out that she is a scheming woman pretending to be the Elf King."

"Return God E's account! I don't deserve to use his account!"

"Why do so many people post comments but the number of comments hasn't changed much?"

"Why does the system keep deleting my posts? I haven't violated the rules!"

"Everyone, don't stop, spread the heat! Let more people see it!"

"No wonder if you enter the youth training team, you are afraid to face us?"

(End of this chapter)

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