Chapter 488
"I don't know how they managed to manage the fans so united so quickly."

"With fans standing behind to support, the players on the stage will forge ahead."

"Fans and so on are just external factors, the most important thing is the true strength of the players."

At this time, the two teams had finished shaking hands, and each returned to its own area to start preparing for the game.

Lin Qingchen took a sip of water and turned to He Qi behind, "Coach, don't you have spicy mints?"

"Yes." He Qi thought for a while and took out a blue-wrapped candy from his left pocket, "This one is not very spicy."

"The coach also give me one." Ji Xingzhou turned his face away.

He Qi directly threw the candy on his table, then glanced at the others, "Who else wants it?"

"Isn't it really spicy?" Jiang Yiheng asked hesitantly.

Lin Qingchen, who had already opened the package and stuffed the sugar into his mouth, replied softly: "It's a bit sweet."

"Then I'll take one too." Jiang Yiheng raised his hand.

Guo Xutao looked embarrassed, "I won't do it, I'm afraid I'll choke on the water."

Seeing that they were all eating candy, Xu Mo couldn't help complaining.

"Are you here for afternoon tea?"

"Captain, would you like to have one too?" Lin Qingchen suggested sincerely, "Sugar can supplement the glucose needed by the human body, and the energy absorbed can double the energy and resist dizziness and other symptoms."

Xu Mo curled the corner of his mouth, and really calmed down in a serious manner.

"No, the coach should be out of candy if I ask for it again."

He Qi raised an eyebrow at him upon hearing this.

After 5 minutes the game officially started.

"YouthK punches ducks!"

"Steady Pikachu!"

In the first round, YouthK attacked and Pikachu defended.

"Good luck." He Qi smiled lightly, "Adopt the first set of planned actions."

"Received." The team members said in unison.

Guo Xutao manipulated the boxer to rush to the opponent's position first.

"YouthK's boxer used Skyfall when he first came up?" The host explained in surprise, "Heavenly Burst requires a lot of blue points. If you use this move so early, you have to consider the blue points when you use the big move later."

The audience discussed in low voices.

"YouthK is planning to confront Pikachu head-on?"

"YouthK is too radical. What if we need to use Heaven and Earth Sundering to control the opponent later? The blue value is only so small, so you can't just use it blindly."

"Didn't it mean that YouthK has mastered 'absolute control'? Why does it seem that the concept of controlling the blue value is still not in place?"

YouthK fans are indifferent in comparison.

"Although we don't know what they are going to do, we just need to be responsible for calling 666."

"They don't know YouthK's routine, anyway, they can't use normal thinking to think about it."

"It's our turn to attack the game. At most, we can fight half of the game and go back to raise and come back. Anyway, Pikachu has no treatment."

Many people think the same way, so they plan to quietly wait for YouthK's future performance.

Pikachu didn't expect the opponent to use such a skill that consumes such a high mana value as soon as he came up. For a while, the frontline players didn't even think about avoiding being stunned.

It was a big move for Lin Qingchen's swordsman to pull out his sharp long sword and go up.

Pikachu's corpse girl directly lost more than half a tube of blood.

"Why are YouthK so fierce?"

Pikachu's dead girl looked confused.

In the past, they were responsible for actively attacking and suppressing their opponents, and the number of times they were beaten violently by the opponent when they came up was very small.

Generally, the teams encountered will adopt a conservative strategy according to their playing style and slowly grind their blood volume to consume their combat effectiveness.

Why didn't YouthK follow the routine?

(End of this chapter)

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