Chapter 499
"I'm afraid you have forgotten Brother Chen, you can get along well anywhere, but why come here to be a social coach (skull head"

"Brother Chen really has nothing to say, I always thought he just came to experience the rhythm of the e-sports business."

"You can just say that he is here to experience life? I don't think there is anything wrong with it, nothing wrong."

"Although most e-sports players fade out of everyone's sight after retiring, for some people, retiring means changing another field and continuing to shine."

"If you don't accept the chestnuts mentioned before, then change another one. The elk of the Holy Grail, a top student in a prestigious school, is soft with awards. It is said that the school is now waiting eagerly for him to go back and continue his research."

"You all said that only a small number of people are more talented. Who knows if Xu Mo can do it?"

"We just want to explain that not all players join the team to play games for money. I hope that the opinions of black fans will not be too absolute. Please be responsible for every word you post."

"I feel that YouthK's fans are a bit positive, and they don't talk to black fans, but reason."

"YouthK's fan base is getting bigger and bigger. Everyone has become a rope. We don't need to rely on each other to save the team's face. Because we know that there are still many people on our side, and there is no need to explain too much about the relationship with YouthK. Will join our team, no matter how many people have no fate, they will not be willing to come."

"After the previous events, we have already seen it. The twisted melon is not sweet. I would rather have few people than force others to like it. Don't do to others what you don't want. It's our own business. If others force me I won't be happy if I like something, I might as well let nature take its course and listen to my inner voice."

"The fans of this team are too cute, they are fans of the fan circle."

"Miss above, don't be fooled by those people, it's just because of the Buddha. Following Brother Chen, there are not many people who are not Buddhas."

"It's the truth. Every time I see YouthK in a dangerous situation, I take a look at Brother Chen and calm down instantly."


"Ever since Brother Chen led the team, I don't know what the nervous expression should look like. It's always a light expression, suitable for taking pictures (drool"

"Upstairs is brother Chen's face fan (can't laugh or cry"

After Xu Mo pulled Pikachu closer to the team's attack range, he used his life-saving skills.

As soon as Pikachu's team members released an attack on the elves, they were absorbed by the elves and turned into blood.

Pikachu's trainer frowned, staring closely at the elf wrapped in silkworm chrysalis-like wings.

Why is the card just right?

If the opponent uses life-saving skills one second earlier, they will not attack, and one second later, they will be hit by several big moves at the same time and fall to the ground on the spot.

Is this EZ lucky or really powerful?
I don't understand, I really don't understand.

That elf is too mysterious.

Elk shook his head regretfully, "The host almost got everything right, but the elf hides his clumsiness."

Yan Yifeng was noncommittal, "That old man is as bad as their coach."

"Perhaps we can see YouthK's strongest strength in the final game." Elk looked away happily, "Now it's impossible."

After YouthK won this game, the total score became 1.

"Is it worth it?" The colleague couldn't understand and made the final summary with an official smile.

The host cooperated with him without changing his face.

After Yu Miaomiao's impersonation of Elf was exposed, he was determined to let that Xu Mo be punished.

Only when you get higher can you fall harder, and only when you know what to do and what not to do, can you recognize how much you are.

With Yu Miaomiao and his killing chickens to make an example to monkeys, those who want to get something for nothing will also weigh it carefully before rubbing other people's traffic.

(End of this chapter)

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