Chapter 538
After a while, a staff member came to Jiang Yin for an interview, and was shocked to see the room full of people.

Jiang Yin got up and walked towards the door, and greeted them when the door closed.

"Then I'll go first, you can discuss which restaurant to go to eat first."

"No problem!" Yun Zhongnan gestured OK to him.

After Jiang Yin left, the team members began to search nearby stores.

"How about this restaurant? I read the reviews saying that the seafood is very good." Qianqian showed them the photos taken by the customers.

Guo Xutao took a look and began to nod, "Yes, yes."

Yun Zhongnan glanced at the price and hesitated, "It seems a bit expensive, right?"

Although the club pays for it, there is an upper limit.

With so many of them, and what Xu Chen said earlier, he was really afraid of being oversubscribed.

"How about this one?" Lin Qingchen picked out an online celebrity restaurant that specializes in steak and pasta.

The rest of the people gathered together, "It looks good, and the price is acceptable."

"Then this one." Yun Zhongnan finally settled down.

For the rest of the time, they were chatting on their mobile phones, and they made appointments for training.

Yun Zhongnan still wanted to practice with YouthK often, so he blinked and looked at Xu Mo.


"No, we have other arrangements."


"I made an appointment with someone else for an entertainment match."

Yun Zhongnan became interested when he heard the words.

"With which team?"

Xu Mo glanced at He Qi.

"A temporary team." He Qi slowly looked away from the phone, "It's a surprise training."

Jiang Yin heard this sentence as soon as he opened the door, and turned his head in doubt.

"What assault training?"

"Tomorrow I arranged a temporary match for them, do you want to come and watch?" He Qi looked at Qunying's players inquiringly.

Jiang Yin walked slowly to the sofa, and leaned his slender body gently on the armrest of the sofa.

"About what time?"

"One or two in the afternoon."

Jiang Yin responded immediately, "Okay, we will be online at that time, remember to send an invitation."

Jiang Yiheng looked at Jiang Yin and then at the coach, pursed his lips and lowered his head to send a message to the coach.

"Why did the coach invite them?"

He Qi tapped on the screen after seeing it.

"Get some spectators to give you the feel of the game."

"(Shocked, but there are only five people?"

"Who said I would only invite heroes?"

"Coach, who else do you plan to invite?"

"Holy Grail, Sakura Lan, Stream, Phy, PQ... I have invited them all if I have time."

"Although the number of viewers is small, the quality is high, and the pressure on you should be about the same."


Jiang Yiheng couldn't laugh or cry, it took a long time before he lowered his eyes and sent a new message.

"Can the great gods be merciful? It's too embarrassing to be abused in front of such peers."

"Believe in yourself, water will have no effect."

"(crying bitterly)

Jiang Yiheng sent the screenshot to the group in the next second.

[Ace Nanny]: Everyone, be mentally prepared.

[Ace Nanny]: The coach does not intend to release water (cover mouth
[gxt who loves to blow hair]: Damn, the boss Lin is relying on you!

[Lin Qingchen]: It looks like tomorrow will be a great fight.

[Lin Qingchen]: Looking forward to tomorrow coming soon.

[gxt who loves to blow hair]: Drag this person away quickly!
[One Leaf Ark]: (sluggish

[Ace Nanny]: Help, I'm being abused in public!

Seeing that they were all poking with their mobile phones suddenly, Xu Mo also glanced at his own mobile phone.

[Hehe]: Make an appointment tomorrow morning to think about strategies.

[One Leaf Ark]: Captain, do you know their style of play?
[Ace Nanny]: Boss, you have a heavy responsibility, and the hope of the whole team depends on you.

[Hehe]: I know, about nine o'clock tomorrow morning?

[Lin Qingchen]: OK.

[One Leaf Ark]: OK
(End of this chapter)

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