Chapter 557
After the two looked at each other for two seconds, Yan Yifeng turned back first.

Hanli originally looked down at the phone, but when he noticed the suddenly restrained sitting posture of the people around him, he looked up suspiciously.

"what happened?"

Chestnut blinked and smiled faintly at her.

"It's nothing."

Hanli raised his eyebrows, and continued to lower his head to brush up the dynamics.

Chestnut recalled the look in that person's eyes just now.

Shocking, complex, unimaginable.

Obviously recognized her.

Although Li Zi never cared about other people's eyes, but Yan Yifeng helped her before, and she felt a little embarrassed for a while.

At this time, Yan Yifeng's heart was surging.

Are those two people really the same person?

One is grumpy and the other is cute and cute.

No matter how you look at it, they are obviously two completely opposite personalities.

So last time she wasn't wearing makeup?
I have to admit that the old woman looks like a delicate and gentle college student after makeup.

Maybe the other party is about the same age as them?

"here we go."

The elk's moderate voice interrupted his train of thought.

Yan Yifeng adjusted his sitting posture, put his left hand casually on his right arm, and looked lazily at the screen.

In the first game, YouthK drew the offensive game.

Lion's coach reminded the players blankly at the beginning of the game, "Don't let your guard down from the beginning to the end, EZ will send teammates over at any time."

"Understood." The team members responded seriously.

Ye Lingyuan said excitedly after seeing YouthK's character: "Sister, let me go play."

Ye Taofu was observing the position on the opposite side.

"The blood volume will be deducted by one-third and it will come back."

"Know it."

Ye Lingyuan's wizard disappeared instantly.

"Nothingness." Xu Mo's expression was calm, and he didn't feel any panic because of the sudden loss of a person on the other side.

"Boss, where will the elf envoy attack from?" Guo Xutao asked curiously, "Who will she attack from?"

Jiang Yiheng grinned, "What you said, the boss is not a fairy, and without any prelude, the direction of the elf's sneak attack is random."

As he spoke, he suppressed his smile, "I'm at the end of the team and she can't get through. The boxer's blood volume is too thick to sneak attack. If it were me, I might choose the boss."

Xu Mo pursed his lips lightly, seemingly gentle and harmless on the surface, but in fact he already had plans.

In the next second, the Elf Array Master threw the book towards the bushes behind him.

Ye Lingyuan never imagined that she would expose her hiding place so quickly.

She just arrived, how did the Elf Array Master know that she was lying in ambush here?
Xu Mo's move directly blew up the audience.

"What the hell? How does EZ know that Xiao Yezi is hiding there?"

"Should I go to the Elf Array Master to hang up?"

"If it weren't for the icon of 'Null State' displayed under the blue value of the little leaf, I really thought she was not invisible."

"Before I could react, the elf envoy was beaten and revealed."

"What's the origin of that EZ?"

"Father Xu is mighty!"

"I thought Lion was stable, but now I feel a little flustered."

Ye Lingyuan's elf envoy was directly dragged into the team by YouthK.

Ye Taofu frowned tightly, "Can you escape?"

"Maybe... no."

Ye Lingyuan has already tried her best, but 1v4 is not an easy task.

The elf's blood volume dropped sharply, even if Lion rushed over, he couldn't do anything.

Ye Lingyuan moved her dry lips after seeing her character fall to the ground.

"From the time that EZ attacked me, they didn't intend to let me go."

(End of this chapter)

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