Chapter 563
In order to change the state of YouthK, she and her team members have put in a lot of effort. If the situation is not so urgent, they can adjust the amount of training appropriately, and they will not force each of them to lose weight.

"Just take it as a pavement for next year." Xu Mo comforted her softly.

He Qi glanced at him sideways.

After Xu Mo leaves, the team's strength will drop a lot, so it's worth thinking about those training sessions.

"I plan to pick a few games for him to try out, and if there is a problem, you will try to make up for it."

Hearing this, Xu Mo looked at Ji Xingzhou who was talking to Lin Qingchen, and responded seriously.

The match between YouthK and Lion caused a lot of repercussions.

Some players who didn't watch the game rubbed their eyes in disbelief after seeing the final result, and subconsciously refreshed the webpage several times.

In the end, I was so shocked by the brilliant score that I ran to watch the replay.

"What's going on with YouthK??"

"Is this the team from last year?"

"What else can I say, don't treat me with admiration for three days!"

"Although I knew that YouthK's strength had improved before, I didn't have any specific feelings. Now, after comparing with Lion, I realized that they are really awesome."

"I don't know when the data of that game will come out."

"I feel that this year's championship is stable!"

"I don't know when the attitude towards YouthK on the Internet has been milder. I thought there would be a bunch of people saying that YouthK won last year's championship team just because of good luck."

"Whoever makes the score 2:0, even with luck, it is impossible to make the score like this."

"Recalling the days when they were hacked by the whole Internet, I really feel a little emotional."

"Nirvana rebirth!"


He Qi just finished eating and was about to go back to rest with the team members, but didn't want Bandy from Qunying to call, saying that he had some physical problems and had been sent to the hospital, and asked her to help lead a game.

"You also know that players have substitutes to prevent accidents, but how can the club have another coach? I really can't find anyone to help me, Coach Xu!"

"But I'm not familiar with the habits and details of your group of people."

"Jiang Yin can basically command the team well, but I just want to trouble you to pay attention to the places he can't see."

"Hmm..." He Qi looked expressionlessly at the car chartered by the club not far away.

"Then I'll help you with a game, you can rest at ease."

Bandy immediately thanked him with surprise and emotion, and He Qi hung up the phone after saying hello.

"What's wrong?" Seeing her stop, Xu Mo couldn't help asking.

"I will help Qunying lead a game in the afternoon."

He Qi watched the team members whispering to each other, getting into the car one by one relaxed and happily, and then curled the corners of his mouth, "Take them back first, and I will take a taxi back after the game."

Seeing He Qi's shallow smile, Xu Mo's eyes were as clear as water.

"I'm fine now." He picked up his phone and sent a message to his assistant, asking him to take care of the players. "It's not bad to stay and watch the game."

The assistant Xiao Wang immediately responded with an OK emoji.

The players didn't see the coach and captain coming up and couldn't help looking over.

Seeing them leaning on the car window, Xiao Wang waved his hands anxiously, "Coach Xu and Father Xu have something to do, what if you are caught on camera like this? Ancestors, pay attention to your image!"

After He Qi and Xu Mo showed their task cards, they entered the venue for the afternoon competition smoothly.

Before I got to the lounge, I saw Qunying's assistants looking around, and ran over after seeing them, "Coach Xu, Captain Xu!"

(End of this chapter)

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