Chapter 628
He Qi used the key provided by the priest to open the only room that could not be opened before.

It is equivalent to a supply warehouse. I took a bunch of achievement props and gave me a shotgun, although there were only three bullets.

"Shotguns are good stuff."

He Qi's eyes lit up.

I am reluctant to use it to fight mobs. The pistol has enough bullets now, and it is enough to deal with it before encountering big monsters.

The storyline shows that there must be a big guy waiting for Thomas in the East Cemetery.

This shotgun wasn't given for free.

Fortunately, I chose the west tomb area from the beginning, even if I got to the east tomb area, I couldn't get in.

Because He Qi found a key that showed "the gate of the East Cemetery".

After searching the west cemetery, He Qi led Thomas back to the safe house to store the collected things there first, and headed to the east cemetery with only weapons and a first aid kit.

After opening the door with the key, Thomas took the shovel in his hand.

The Monster in the East Cemetery is a humanoid monster.

Although I don't know what it looks like, it must be harder to beat than "Hound".

Facts have proved that He Qi's conjecture is correct, and someone in the barrage area has already started to popularize science.

"It takes five shots with a shovel to kill a lick, one shot with a pistol to the head, but four shots to other parts. Of course, as long as the shotgun hits the body, it will kill with one shot."

"Well, it doesn't make any difference to Brother Chen, it's a headshot anyway."

"Just want to call 666"

Compared to "The Hound", the humanoids appeared randomly and without warning.

The first time I met He Qi who opened the door to kill He Qi, I was a little nervous, but I gradually got used to it later.

The humanoid monster in this game has two forms. When standing up, it looks like a human being, and when it crawls on the ground, it looks like a biochemical lick.

It is precisely because of this that a headshot is a shot like a "hound", because the requirements for operation are high, and the humanoid monster will get down at any time, and the head will also move to the ground and need to be re-aimed.

It's a pity that He Qi won't give the humanoid a chance to change form.

The humanoid monster was set to change every three seconds, but He Qi only needed one or two seconds to kill it.

Even if you meet two, you won't be shy.

First calculate the route to separate the two overlapping humanoid monsters, quickly deal with one, quickly avoid the attack of the other, turn around and make another shot.

When the other anchors played here, they were crazy and desperate, and there were also thankless hard fights with shotguns.

"Shocked, it's the first time I saw an anchor once."

"That quick turn around is so handsome. If I had to turn the screen around, I might not be able to tell where the monsters are."

"How did you do it???"

"The positioning and operation are very strong."

"It's a high-end player."

Soon He Qi hit the hardest part of Chapter 2.

Destroy a snake ten times bigger than itself in a fixed area.

A snake with a human head.

He Qi observed the surrounding terrain while walking the plot.

It is suitable for the "King of Qin walking around the pillar" style of play.

When it was his turn to control, He Qi immediately controlled Thomas to run to the side of the snake, and shot him twice in the eyes.

The human-shaped snake let out a human scream, and swept its tail towards Thomas.

However, Thomas had already hid behind the pillar, and the attack of the humanoid snake did not hit him.

It twisted its body and climbed towards the pillar.

Thomas ran out on his own initiative, and shot two more headshots.

The human-shaped snake immediately attacked its head angrily.

He Qi didn't move, and waited until the prompt button popped up on the screen before doing it.

Thomas rolled to the side in embarrassment, stood up and circled behind the human-shaped snake, picked up the shovel and hit him.

(End of this chapter)

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