Chapter 666

"Although having the resurrection straw is equivalent to an extra life, the brave thinks this dungeon is too simple."

Philops put down the things in her hands, walked down the steps slowly, straightened the magic robe on her body, and picked up the magic ball next to her.

"Have you really thought about it? The resurrection straw can only be used once, and it will be gone when it is used up." She adjusted her glasses with her free hand, "You haven't done the job change task yet, so make sure you don't want to change your weapon again." come over?"

He Qi glanced at the poor Elf Hei, "No need."

Philops didn't persuade any more, but chanted a spell at the magic ball.

"Good luck."

As soon as He Qi took out his little dagger, the scene in front of him changed.

The magician Philops waited for the players to disappear and asked the guards waiting next to him.

"She passed the slime test?"


"No wonder..."

Philops put away the orb and continued to concoct her potion.

"Receiving some blows in advance can also sharpen your mind."

After Miki completed the first round of tasks, he was promoted to the third level.

It is said that her novice mentor only interacted with one of her players, and was indifferent to others, causing many players to look at her with jealousy and unfriendliness.

The second round of tasks she received was to hunt fifty second-level hares outside the castle.

As soon as she left the protected area, she rushed into the forest.

"I'm going, why are you running all of a sudden?"

"Catch up!"

"There must be some hidden condition, ask her how to trigger the mission."

"Running pretty fast!"

Miki forced himself to calm down as he ran.

After adjusting her breathing, she began to look for a place to hide.

After a group of players entered the forest, they were attacked by monsters.

They didn't have any grass to drive away the monsters, so they had to stop their pursuit.

Miki broke into the depths of the forest directly, and the monsters around her were all above level four.

"Guiding elves, have they followed?"

"There were two players who were relatively close to you just now, but they were all beaten back by the monster." The guide elf flew twice above her head, "But the hare you want to fight is outside, and there are at least seven players squatting there. "

"Seven?" Miki scowled.

The guide elf comforted her, "It's better to wait here for a while, maybe they will leave."

"we can only do this."

Miki sighed and looked around casually.

To be honest, she still can't believe that the game can really do this.

Everything is so realistic, yet so unreal.

I wonder what Elf is doing now?
Are you making a copy?

Speaking of which, what is a copy?
Before coming into contact with One King, the games she played only stayed at minesweeper.

It can be said that he is a complete newcomer to the game.

Miki simply sat under the tree and waited.

About half an hour later, the guiding elf spoke.

"There are only three players left."

"Three." Miki stared at the sky in a daze, "It's still a bit much."

"It's time for rest soon." The guide spirit reminded her, "It's already ten o'clock in the evening."

"Is it so late!" Miki stood up in surprise, "Close the server at eleven o'clock?"

"That's right." The guide elf lay down flat in mid-air, "The relevant technology is not very mature, and I am worried that long-term gaming will affect the nervous system and mental health of players, so during the first test period from [-]:[-] p.m. to [-]:[-] a.m. point will be closed."

(End of this chapter)

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