The eSports coach is a girl

Chapter 680 Because You Are Not a Female Gamer

Chapter 680 Because You Are Not a Female Gamer
He Qi had already figured out the opponent's attack routines and thought habits, and was about to use the last move to end this nonsensical battle, but unexpectedly someone put away the weapon faster than her.

With a cold face, Error said reluctantly: "Stop fighting, you are better than me."

He Qi who was about to use his skills: "..."

No, little brother, are you a little drifting?
Do you have to fight until this moment before you stop?
One step later, she could send him back to the main city, but you told her that you are not an extreme player who pursues strength?

Then why did you go early!
He Qi withdrew the sword expressionlessly.

Error raised his eyes, and smiled at her, with a wicked look.

"Are you leveling up in a team?"

Error's murderous intent has faded a little bit, but it still gives people a grumpy feeling, as if someone owes him a huge debt.

He Qi thought that the blue belt on his head was probably asked by someone close to him to wear it.

Otherwise, it would look too...a bit too much to beat.

He Qi glanced at Miki whose face was full of rejection.


Error confused, "Why!"

"Because you are not a female gamer." He Qi answered it as a matter of course.

Error choked.

Are you here to pick up girls? !

Yasali breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing this.

It turned out that it was for this reason that she was pulled into the team.

"If you level up, more female players will come to you." Error tried to be patient and said, "If you form a team, you know how quickly you can level up."

He Qi was silent.

Error is right, if he joins the team, the upgrade will be faster, like some team dungeons, there is no need to temporarily pull people.

But right.

Miki next to him is reassuring himself that he can get along with this player who looks like he can eat people at any time, but his facial expression is still a little stiff.

Error didn't speak any more, quietly waiting for the other party's answer.

"I think it's pretty good." Miki smiled pretending to be relaxed, "There will definitely be a lot of team dungeons in the future, and we will go faster with a strong teammate."

"You really think so?" He Qi raised her eyebrows with a half-smile.

Miki coughed lightly, "Yeah."

He Qi looked at Error, "I'm sorry to say no."


Error is very puzzled. Pulling him into the regular team won't affect his friendship with the female players. Isn't it good for everyone to get what they want?
He Qi thought for a long time, and finally spoke apologetically.

"You...are not good-looking."

The air froze for a moment.

"You think I'm ugly?!" Error exploded immediately, turning his head to stare at Miki, "Am I ugly!"

"No, no, no..." Miki was frightened by him, unable to utter a complete sentence for a long time.

Error only thought that she thought so too, and suddenly began to doubt life.

The male player beside Drana twitched his lips, turned around and laughed silently.

Hahaha!I didn't expect the great god to be rejected sometimes!
Is Error ugly?

How can a person who has been confessed constantly since childhood be ugly?

This is still based on the fact that his violent temper scared off a wave of girls with weak psychological endurance, otherwise he would be piled up with love letters every day.

Error, who was questioned about his appearance, blushed, "You guys wait for me! Don't leave!"

Then disappeared in place.

He Qi frowned in surprise.

Knowing that the mysterious boss likes female players, Drana immediately stepped forward and greeted her.

"Thank you for taking care of Yasali, she must have caused a lot of trouble for you? I apologize for her."

She smiled gently, matching her charming face, sweet and demure.

Many men were defeated by this smile, only thinking that she was an innocent and kind girl.

But this time she laughed for a long time and there was no response from the other side.

Her smile froze.

 Xu Mo: Why haven't I come out for so long?
  Author Jun: I am arranging a way to show up for Dad Xu!
  Babes who want to see Father Xu raise their paws. If there are many people, the author will arrange for him to come early!

(End of this chapter)

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