The eSports coach is a girl

Chapter 694 This is simply a group of level-up madmen

Chapter 694 This is simply a group of upgrade madmen

After hearing Monor's mysterious reason, the magician blocked his voice and kept laughing in his seat, causing the surrounding employees to stop working and look over in disgust.

When He Qi returned to Aisalan Castle, the magical laughter of the magician immediately came over.

[I am convinced of this reason, as expected, he is the largest investor, and he is so good at playing games. ]
[So are you going to report the reason? ]
He Qi first found a hidden place to change her account information back, and then walked to the teleportation platform and returned to Shaya Town, a safe city in the second land.

[Suffice it to say that he will be able to use fashion when he reaches level [-]. ]
The magician smiled and went to write the report.

He Qi asked Yasali's location and rushed over.

On the way, she suddenly realized a problem.

I already knew the screenshot, so I might be able to refer to it when modeling. After all, there are not many faces that fit the image of elves, and it is difficult to make the look you want just by memory and imagination.

Forget it, wait until today's work is over to see if I can call up the relevant screen.

Yasali is fighting a strange animal that looks like a deer.

He Qi invited her to join the team after she finished, and then accompanied her to fight monsters.

The two of them went through the task very quickly, especially He Qi had done the same task before, and almost didn't waste much time.

When she was offline, Yasali was only a short experience bar away from level 23, and she herself couldn't believe it.

He Qi, Miki, and Error are all at level 25. A few people have discussed with each other that He Qi will try to bring Yasali to level 24 tomorrow, and then they will help pull her up from where she left behind.

Yasali didn't want to bother them, but her voice was soft, and the speed of her speech couldn't get into their conversation, so she finally replied in a daze.

"Trouble everyone."

She knew that this team was at the top of the rank list, but she didn't expect their upgrade speed to be so fast.

This is simply a group of upgrade madmen.

Yasali stayed on the bed for a while after taking off the saint.

Although being driven a little nervous and exciting, this feeling is not bad.

She promised Drana a lot of things to get into this team.

At first she was worried about whether she was too impulsive, but now she has no regrets.

Maybe not a bad decision.

She sat up all of a sudden and went into the bathroom to brush her teeth.

The door of the room just after washing his face was knocked three times, and Yasali knew it was Drana as soon as he heard the rhythm.

"I want to join your team too, you can find a way for me."

As soon as Drana in pajamas entered the room, she stated her purpose straight to the point.

She didn't expect that the fixed team that Yasali was going to join would upgrade so quickly, and the gap between them was so big in just one day.

She is only level 18. Although Yasali was one level higher than her before, how could she jump from level 19 to level 22 in one day?
Obviously, someone took her to upgrade without leveling.

And he's a high-ranking boss.

How could this idiot He De have such a good opportunity?

If she entered the team, which round would it be for her, a sociable little sister?

And she has found the excuse to leave the current team.

My younger sister refused to listen to my dissuasion to play with a group of dangerous people. As an older sister, I am very worried about her, but after all, I am a younger sister, so I must respect her ideas.After much deliberation, the only way is to protect her in the past. I will remember the previous relationship, we will always be good friends.

"Sister, I don't have the right to make decisions." Yasali replied coldly, "I can't speak in the team. They just simply lacked an archer, and then invited me to join the team."

Although Yasali seldom spoke, she was not stupid and knew how to answer to calm Drana's thoughts to the greatest extent.

"Of course I know this. They don't have light magicians yet, right?" Drana folded her hands confidently, "You just need to let me meet them once, and you don't need to worry about the rest."

(End of this chapter)

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